Start Development App Result Board Games


Viewed 123 times


I want to develop a android platform app who manages the scoreboard of board games between my friends. I know almost nothing about android, and I need to start.

One of my questions is how to save the information from the results. So my question is:

What is the way to work with this storing information?

Can I use local database (on the client’s side) and distribute the result among other phones? Or the correct way is to have a database in a hosting and focus all the information on it?

I think about building the application using Html5 and its new features.

  • Have you ever heard of the phonegap?

  • Yes. Develops in HTML, CSS, and Javascript?

  • exactly, is a great alternative, instead of doing direct on android, vc will have a hybrid application and with a lot of plugins

  • Got it. Now I want at least one idea about saving the information.

1 answer


You have to choose which architecture to use.


You can do it in Java android, and use Sqlite to save the information, but Sqlite is embedded, if you want to send the data to create an online ranking, in addition to Sqlite you will need a WEB structure that receives the data and record.


The development with phonegap is much faster than native, da para usar Sqlite para guardar dados mesmo offline, porem você pode utilizar arquitetura REST e gravar tudo direto no seu servidor, mas nada impede de utilizar Sqlite interno também.


This can be totally web, without installing anything on the client’s mobile, however it can access several Questions, you can save the data with web browser itself, but you also have to have mechanism to record the ranking on your web server.

  • Very clear your answer. Wait for another answer as good as yours. I want to save the ranking, and I also think when someone clicks on "start Starting", everyone sees that there is a match in progress. Do you understand? interactivity will exist, so my concern on how to treat this database.

  • 2

    I would do REST architecture with Cordova phonegap.

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