How to remove toolbar from tinymce?


Viewed 391 times


Good morning guys, I managed to limit the tinymce buttons as follows:

editor_config.toolbar1 = "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | emoticons";
editor_config.toolbar2 = "";

However, I couldn’t figure out how to remove the toolbar that is in the image below, can anyone tell me how to remove?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


The attribute that configures/customizes the Menu and its buttons is the menu.

The way you are using, I think you will be able to remove the buttons this way: = {}

There is another way to implement the Tinymce call in the form of Json.

For example:

  selector: "#textarea",
  toolbar: "bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify",
  menu : {},
  plugins: "link",
  link_list: [{title: 'Custumer', value: ''}],
  target_list: [{title: 'Mesma Página', value: '_self'},{title: 'Nova Aba', value: '_blank'}]

Logically, the way you intend to implement goes of your choice, of how you find it easier and better for possible maintenance.

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