SQL LIKE clause does not work with Sqlparameter


Viewed 810 times


Following the recommendation that the @Maniero fez in that question I decided to parametrize the darlings SQL of my program.


    private void btnConsulta_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (optID.Checked) //Consulta por ID
            if (nmrID.Text == "0" || nmrID.Text == "")
                cnxCli.sel = "select * from cliente;";
                cnxCli.sel = "Select * from cliente " +
                                 "WHERE IDCliente = @ID";

                cnxCli.selCmd.CommandText = cnxCli.sel;
                cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters.Add("@ID", SqlDbType.Int);
                cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters["@ID"].Value = nmrID.Text;

        else if(optNome.Checked)//Consulta por Nome
            if (txtNome.Text == "")
                cnxCli.sel = "select * from cliente";
                cnxCli.sel = "Select * from cliente " +
                             "WHERE Nome like '%@Nome%'";

                cnxCli.selCmd.CommandText = cnxCli.sel;
                cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters.Add("@Nome", SqlDbType.Text);
                cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters["@Nome"].Value = txtNome.Text;

It turns out that the code section after the else, that should return all records containing the name related to the parameter @Nome, returns only an empty table. As you can see the query by ID was done the same way, and it returns the result of select normal.

I did a check, I set up a breakpoint right after the line cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters["@Nome"].Value = txtNome.Text; to make sure everything was all right.

I found that cnxCli.selCmd.CommandText contains the string "Select * from cliente WHERE Nome like '%@Nome%'", as expected. I imagined then that something wrong happened with the parameter value @Nome. However, the value of the parameter was the text found in txtNome.Text, also as expected.

Then I rode the query on SQL Server, imagining that it had mounted the like '%%' wrong way, but everything’s normal too.

Where am I going wrong?


I found a similar problem in Stack Overflow in English. Use of Sqlparameter in SQL LIKE clause not Working

For some reason that only God knows which, when I do something like Select * from Cliente WHERE Nome like '@Nome' or Nome like '%@Nome%', what actually happens is that the parameter is not replaced by its value, so the query will be executed searching for the parameter name in the database.

The way to solve the problem is by doing this:

cnxCli.sel = "Select * from cliente " +
             "WHERE Nome like @Nome";//sem aspas ou %%, apenas o nome do parâmetro

Then the value of the parameter when we assign it.

cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters["@Nome"].Value = "%"+ txtNome.Text + "%";

I personally thought it was pretty weird, but it worked.

  • It seems that it is going the right way to detect the problem, it must be missing some detail. What is the text found in txtNome.Text? Look at the Debugger, if there’s nothing strange there when gives the breakpoint. Where are you running the query? I have not seen it anywhere. Anyway this passage omits certain things that may be wrong. I don’t even know if it would be ideal to use it this way, but I can’t talk long without seeing the rest.

  • I will explore a little bit more later, because now my head is already very tired. But maybe I end up solving the problem alone.

4 answers


One of the ways to resolve:

cnxCli.sel = "SELECT * FROM cliente WHERE Nome LIKE CONCAT('%', @Nome, '%')";



cnxCli.sel = "Select * from cliente WHERE Nome like '%@Nome%'";


cnxCli.sel = "Select * from cliente WHERE Nome like '%' + @Nome + '%'";

Reference 1

Reference 2

  • 1

    You have to pass the variable like '%' + @Name + '%', the other ways you will not succeed.


The LIKE shall be set out as follows::

cnxCli.sel = "Select * from cliente WHERE Nome like @Nome ";

cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters.Add("@Nome", SqlDbType.Text);
cnxCli.selCmd.Parameters["@Nome"].Value = '%' +  txtNome.Text + '%';


It seems to me that your problem is in WHERE.


cnxCli.sel = "Select * from cliente WHERE Nome like '%@Nome%'";


cnxCli.sel = "Select * from cliente WHERE Nome like @Nome";

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