Error 500 while using . htaccess


Viewed 125 times


I rewrote a rule on .htaccess to remove the extension .php of my page dashboard.php but the WAMP get back to me:

error 500

  • 1

    failed to say what code you added for this error to appear.

  • It would be good to post . htaccess in the question.

1 answer


Probably a disabled mod_rewrite problem, follow the steps below.

Open the httpd.conf file, look for the line:

#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

and uncomment by removing the "#" symbol from the beginning of the line to look like this:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

Also look for the line

AllowOverride None

and changes to

AllowOverride All

After this restart wampserver!

  • Thank you, that really was the problem.

  • For nothing, if solved you may be marking my answer as the correct :) thank you!

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