Error inserting json in Mysql with PHP


Viewed 352 times


I have a code PHP which causes an array to become jSON

$imagens = array('imagem1.jpg', 'imagem2.jpg', 'imagem3.jpg');

$json = json_encode($imagens);

$inserir = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table VALUES ('$nome', '$descricao', '$foto', '".$json."'));

But when running this query, PHP returns me:

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use near '72249.jpg ", "66462.jpg ", "84186.jpg ", "96462.jpg ", "80447.jpg "] ")' at line 1

I have this problem, but I don’t know what it could be.

  • It seems that json is generating a wrong syntax in Insert, perhaps because of a slider \

  • @How can I fix this ?

  • Places the generated sql.

  • You want the "Create Table..." ?

  • Do it like this: $sql = "INSERT INTO table VALUES ('$nome', '$descricao', '$foto', '$json'"; echo $sql; mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());

  • INSERT INTO acoluna_casos VALUES (\"\", \"teste\", \"<p>testandooo<\/p>\r\n\", \"36681.jpg\", \"[\"06004.jpg\",\"96354.jpg\",\"03715.jpg\",\"87790.jpg\",\"72602.jpg\"]\") This is the real command I’m using

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4 answers


Stop using all functions starting with mysql_* and ban them in your code. These functions are discontinued and have been removed in the latest version of PHP (PHP 7). Using INSERT the way you are using is not safe and is exposed to SQL Injections.

Use the class PDO.

// Conexão com o banco de dados
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=servidor_bd;dbname=nome_do_banco', $usuario, $senha);


$imagens = json_encode(array('imagem1.jpg', 'imagem2.jpg', 'imagem3.jpg'));

$sql = 'INSERT INTO table VALUES (:nome, :descricao, :foto, :imagens)';
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(':nome', $nome, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindValue(':descricao', $descricao, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindValue(':foto', $foto, PDO::PARAM_STR);
$stmt->bindValue(':imagens', $imagens, PDO::PARAM_STR);
  • 1

    Good afternoon. It would be good to explain why not to use. If you only say that the person should not use, she will not understand the reason.

  • Hello @Wallacemaxters, I’ve added the explanation. Thank you.

  • 1

    I think it better edit, they are not prohibited, they are only in disuse and in php7 have been removed definitively ;)

  • @Guilhermenascimento, I meant for him to ban the use of mysql_* functions in his own code.

  • Oh understood, but it still sounds strange, even for me, imagine for him that this starting now :) Turned out to be good editing now.


Try this:


I already warn you that functions mysql_ are discontinued in recent versions of PHP. You must migrate to mysqli_ or PDO.

Recommended reading:

Why should we not use mysql type functions_*?


Prefer not to use the old API mysql_, try mysqli or Pdo, as you will have the option of bind which will also avoid this type of problem with the characters.

See this answer:

Note: Like this in reply by @Jorgeb. also missing an quotation mark at the end "

To solve the current problem one should escape the apostrophes (simple quotes) ', try the mysql_real_escape_string:

$json = mysql_real_escape_string($json);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO table VALUES ('$nome', '$descricao', '$foto', '". $json ."'"));

However it is highly recommended to migrate to mysqli or Pdo:

$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost', 'my_user', 'my_password', 'world');

/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
    printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("INSERT INTO table VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$stmt->bind_param('sssss', $nome, $descricao, $foto, $json);


printf("%d linhas inseridas.\n", $stmt->affected_rows);

//Fecha o stmt

//Fecha a conexão
  • 1

    William is wrong in his answer, there are some quotation marks missing before closing the last parenthesis.

  • That was the real problem the lack of quotation marks ;)

  • @Jorgeb. I fixed it, but still by the error message You have an error in your SQL syntax;, I think the lack of " it was only time to put here in question, I think it’s half the mistake :)

  • William may or may not have been as he is now I can only draw that conclusion.


She’s simply missing one " in the code before the last parenthesis:

$inserir = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table VALUES ('$nome', '$descricao', '$foto', '".$json."')");

As Wallace Maxters said and very well prefer the functions mysqli_.

Further explanations: Why should we not use mysql type functions_*?

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