I’d like to clean mine url
so that the user does not see it,I searched on the internet but I could not make it work.
I’ve already activated the bookstores in my wamp but I couldn’t make it work properly.
www.meusite.com.br/index.php? p=contact&subject=work
I need to maintain the whole structure but I would like the customer just view:
How can I do?
I performed some tests and arrived at the following source:
RewriteRule ^([a-z,0-9,A-Z,_-]+)\/([a-z,0-9,A-Z,_-]+)\/$ index.php?p=$1&assunto=$2 [NC,L]
<a href="pagina/teste/">action</a>
<a href="pagina2/teste2/">action2</a>
But when clicking on the second link option it does not clear url, just increments presenting error, how to fix?
This is a friendly url, take a look at: http://blog.thiagobelem.net/learning-urls-friends-com-complex/ and http://wbruno.com.br/php/desmistificando-urls-friends-com-php-e-htaccessapache/
– Bia
Beware of unnecessary editing acceptances personal... in case of doubt, there’s the jump button in the analysis queue. that first edition hardly changed anything from the question.
– Chun
@Chun I approved, but I went back and edited. Vacilo meo.
– Marconi