Checkbox that selects all others


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How can I create a checkbox that selects all others from my page?
I’m using a while loop in php to list the records, and each one has its checkbox next to it. I would like to have a checkbox on the page that, when selected, marked all others, for deletion, edit.. situation similar to Hotmail, Gmail in inbox.

Loop in PHP:

<form action="deleta.php" method="post">
    <ul class="lista-posts">
        <li class="seleciona"><input type="checkbox" id="checkbox" name="deletar[]" value="<?php echo $row['id']; ?> " /></li>
        <li class="titulo"><?php echo '.$row['titulo'].'; ?></li>

Resolved as follows:

    <input type=checkbox  name=1>
    <input type=checkbox  name=2>
    <input type=checkbox  name=3>
    <input type=checkbox  name=all>

    document.querySelector("input[name=all]").onclick = function(e) {
        var marcar =;
        var lista = document.querySelectorAll("input");
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < lista.length ; i++ )
            lista[i].checked = marcar;
  • if I understand, it’s not with php because it’s a client-side thing. You should do this with javascript.

  • Excuse me, I was a layman when adding the PHP tag.

  • no problem. Here’s a simple example to use:

  • Thank you! One very useful example that I found before your reply was:

  • Do not duplicate the questions please Thiago.

  • All right, I’m sorry!

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