I’m having trouble getting the data from a table on the Bovespa website, because they are inside a iframe
and I’m not getting it from Webbrowser,
I am using windowsForm.
I’m having trouble getting the data from a table on the Bovespa website, because they are inside a iframe
and I’m not getting it from Webbrowser,
I am using windowsForm.
Search for the URL of iframe
on the page, and open with the webbrowser.
In the case of the link you passed, the URL is this:
Or, depending on what you need, you can take the CVM ID that is in the first URL (9512), and mount the second URL.
Browser other questions tagged c# iframe
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Does accessing the iframe URL solve your problem? Here: http://www.bmfbovespa.com.br/pt-br/mercados/acoes/empresas/ExecutaAcaoConsultaInfoEmp.asp?CodCVM=9512&ViewDoc=1&AnoDoc=2013&VersaoDoc=8&NumSeqDoc=35079#a
– Michael Siegwarth
Resolve yes, but would not have a more practical way to do than to look for the iframe link and concatenate in the site?
– Kaique Mota
I don’t see any other way to get the URL other than this.
– Michael Siegwarth
See that you can use the CVM ID that is in the first URL (9512), applying in the second URL. This helps you somehow?
– Michael Siegwarth