Parameters in the Query


Viewed 224 times


When mounting a Query using Addwithvalue. Even if right, the return is not as expected.

In the example below the return is Zero

var query = "SELECT nome,usuario,email,administrador FROM GSCUsuarios WHERE @parametroWhere = @parametroCondicao");

dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("parametroWhere", parametroWhere);
dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("parametroCondicao", parametroCondicao);

I decided to ask in the American stackoverflow and it was suggested to change the query to the following format

var query = string.Format("SELECT nome,usuario,email,administrador FROM GSCUsuarios WHERE {0} = @parametroCondicao", parametroWhere);

dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("parametroCondicao", parametroCondicao);

What I’d like to understand is why the first Query didn’t work. Addwithvalue didn’t just change the values?

Doing another Query, using LIKE.. also didn’t work! How this Query should be mounted?

var query = string.Format("SELECT nome,usuario,email,administrador FROM GSCUsuarios WHERE {0} LIKE '@parametroCondicao%'", parametroWhere);

dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("parametroCondicao", parametroCondicao);

Thank you

  • See that your parametroWhere is = parametroCondicated, it will depend on how you are running it

1 answer


Why the first query does not work: parameters for SQL queries are interpreted according to their value; a string parameter will be converted to a string in the query (*). Your first query is equivalent to:

SELECT nome,usuario,email,administrador
FROM GSCUsuarios
WHERE 'valorDoParametroWhere' = 'valorDoParametroCondicao'

And how the condition WHERE will never be true (unless the column value is equal to the column name), you will always have 0 results.

Regarding the use of LIKE, you can use the following:

var query = string.Format(@"SELECT nome,usuario,email,administrador
                            FROM GSCUsuarios
                            WHERE {0} LIKE @parametroCondicao",

    parametroCondicao + "%");

Note that the use of string.Format to create SQL commands is dangerous - only do this if you are absolutely sure that the value of parametroWhere does not come directly from the user (or you are subject to SQL injection attacks)

(*) Actually the query is compiled before the application of the parameters, but the idea is the same.

  • Carlosfigueira, thank you very much. Now it’s very clear. The variable parametroWhere comes from a Combobox, so I think it’s safe. I made the modifications you suggested and Query Like worked, really worth it.

  • Note that the variable parametroWhere can come from a combobox, but in the network it goes like a string. If a hacker wants bypass your form, he/she can send the request directly over the network (using something like Postman or Fiddler), so you can’t trust the value that came from the client.

  • Carlos, my project is a Winforms Application.. I may have these kind of problems too?

  • If the application does not send any data over the network (i.e., access to the BD is local), then you have no problem. If a hacker is accessing your application on the computer, then there are much easier ways to do harm (e. g., echo y | format c:) that you don’t have to worry about the most complicated.

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