Use of preg_replace invalidates password with SHA1


Viewed 252 times


Was using preg_replace, to avoid SQL Injection:

$senha = preg_replace('/[^[:alpha:]_]/', '',$_POST['senha']);

When comparing the $senha received by POST with the bank password (using SHA1) they are not compatible.

Someone tells me a better encoding that really avoids SQL Injection?

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  • 3

    I didn’t understand how regex solved the sql Injection problem, it seems that it created another.

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    Using PDO, or mysqi_* just create a placeholder type to inject a valid SQL, do not see why treat the data with preg_replace(). example in PDO: insert into tabela (senha) values (:senha_string) and in mysqi: insert into tabela (senha) values(?).

  • @Ivanferrer already do it with mysqli

  • 1

    But you agree that it is impossible to do sql Injection when vc declares the field $stmt->bindParam(':senha', $senha); the only thing you will do is validate the format, but you will never be injected a query that damages your system with it.

3 answers


It is obvious that the question has already been answered, but to supplement the comments, «Do not use sha1 to encrypt passwords», simply because it doesn’t protect you.

To handle validations, I recommend using the native validation functions & constants of PHP - PHP filters - or you can still read this answer to have more or less in mind how you should proceed with the rest.

Some examples of use:


There is no need to filter the string as it will be converted to a hash. The hash will convert everything, including escape characters that would allow sql injections or any other type of injections.

In short, don’t worry about anti-injection filters for this specific case.

See an example test to understand in practice:

$str = '\' delete from users; --\'';
echo sha1($str);

To be clearer, worry more about the validation of the received parameter:

$senha = null;
if (isset($_POST['senha']))
    $senha = trim($_POST['senha']);

if (!empty($senha))
    $senha = sha1(trim($_POST['senha']));
    echo 'senha não pode ser vazia'; exit;


A way to filter sha1 would be so:

function isSHA1($sha1) {
    return (bool) preg_match('/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/i', $sha1);

If you are using PDO for example, you can do so:

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=seubanco", $user, $pass);  

try {

      if (!isset($_POST['usuario'])) {
          throw new PDOException('Informe o nome de usuário!');
      if (!isset($_POST['senha'])) {
          throw new PDOException('Informe a senha!');

      if (!isUser($_POST['usuario'])) {
          //aqui você cria um método para tratar o usuário
          throw new PDOException('Informa um usuário válido!');

      if (!isSHA1($_POST['senha'])) {
          throw new PDOException('A senha informada é inválida!');

       $stmt = $dbh->prepare("
                            INSERT INTO usuarios (usuario, senha)
                            VALUES (:user,:pass)

       $usuario = $_POST['usuario'];
       $senha = $_POST['senha'];

       $stmt->bindParam(':user', $usuario);
       $stmt->bindParam(':pass', $senha);

} catch(PDOException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

But there’s no need to validate sha1 for such a case, as the user will enter a normal password, and then it will be converted to sha1:

$dbh = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=seubanco", $user, $pass);  

try {

      if (!isset($_POST['usuario'])) {
          throw new PDOException('Informe o nome de usuário!');
      if (!isset($_POST['senha'])) {
          throw new PDOException('Informe a senha!');

      if (!isUser($_POST['usuario'])) {
          //aqui você cria um método para tratar o usuário
          throw new PDOException('Informa um usuário válido!');

       $stmt = $dbh->prepare("
                            INSERT INTO usuarios (usuario, senha)
                            VALUES (:user,:pass)

       $usuario = $_POST['usuario'];
      //convertendo a senha para sha1
       $senha = sha1($_POST['senha']);

       $stmt->bindParam(':user', $usuario);
       $stmt->bindParam(':pass', $senha);

} catch(PDOException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

OBS: I do not recommend using hash with sha1() and neither md5(), although they are safe, as long as you include a token together with the password, both have collision failure: In this question, he talks more about the subject

A good alternative to password is the use of password_rash.

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