bar spacing in a barcode


Viewed 168 times


I have the code below that generates me a copy of bars from a number inserted, but I think that the bars are very close, there is a way to leave them with a larger spacing between them?

below the code:

const digitos : array['0'..'9'] of string[5]= ('00110', '10001', '01001', '11000', '00101', '10100', '01100', '00011', '10010', '01010');
 var s : string; i, j, x, t : Integer;
  begin // Gerar o valor para desenhar o código de barras //
   s := '0000';
   for i := 1 to length(codigo)div 2 do
   for j := 1 to 5 do s := s + Copy(Digitos[codigo[i * 2 - 1]], j, 1) + Copy(Digitos[codigo[i * 2]], j, 1);
   s := s + '100';
    x := 0;
   Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
    Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite;
    Canvas.Rectangle(0,0, 2000, 79);
    Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
     Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
     for i := 1 to length(s) do
      t := strToInt(s[i]) * 3 + 1;
      if i mod 2 = 1 then
      Canvas.Rectangle(x, 0, x + t, 67);
      x := x + t;

1 answer


Change as shown. And create a thickness variable and give it value and see if it looks the way you need it.

const digitos : array['0'..'9'] of string[5]= ('00110', '10001', '01001',  
'11000', '00101', '10100', '01100', '00011', '10010', '01010');  
var s : string; i, j, x, t : Integer;  
begin // Gerar o valor para desenhar o código de barras //  
s := '0000';  
for i := 1 to length(codigo)div 2 do   
for j := 1 to 5 do s := s + Copy(Digitos[codigo[i * 2 - 1]], j, 1) + 
Copy(Digitos[codigo[i * 2]], j, 1);
s := s + '100';
x := 0;
Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite;
Canvas.Pen.Color := clWhite;
Canvas.Rectangle(0,0, 2000, 79);
Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack;
Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
for i := 1 to length(s) do

t := strToInt(s[i]) * 3 + 1; change to "t := strToInt(s[i]) * 2 + thickness;"

if i mod 2 = 1 then
Canvas.Rectangle(x, 0, x + t, 67);
x := x + t;

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