Accentuation in meta Description


Viewed 379 times


When using practice SEO on our website, we have to add to <meta name="description"> to be presented better, among other things. My doubt lies in using or accentuating the description.

  • Is there any downside?
  • If we want to extend the search to other languages, accents can be harmful?
  • In question of positioning in searches, accentuation can improve or hinder?
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    Special characters can be created using Unicode, I’ve heard it’s more advantageous.

  • @durtto I also read this, but I find nothing concrete with sources and too much information.

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    See this link. It has grounds.

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    @durtto I’ll read it, thank you.

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    This is also very good...

  • I wish I could help you, but I don’t have that knowledge, what I can do is research as reliable sources as possible and try to come up with a response based on it. I will try from today to tomorrow. Your question is very good as it has to be an answer based on tests performed.

  • @That was a question I had, but I’m running tests to verify that as well. But as I said, I wanted something to support me (some concrete reference).

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I think it’s better to use the accents, imagine a Brazilian user searching through your site on Google and seeing a description with words misspelled...

If you are going to extend the search in other languages, will the description have to be translated into the right language? Otherwise what sense would it make to display a description in Portuguese and still without accents for a German? rs

I hope I’ve helped, and I’m sorry if I misread your question.

  • The question of another language was more a matter of a layperson researching, for example: I always search in English, but I do not use ', as in It’s, and yes it is. My question is similar, only in Portuguese. A person comes to search, she type you or Voce? But the real question is how accents are interpreted in terms of positioning.

  • I understand, I’d have to do more research, but I don’t think the accentuation has any bearing on that. The Yoastseo plugin that I use in Wordpress for example in older versions gave a low rating if the informed keyword had accent in some places and without accent in others, already in more updated versions it recognizes the word as being equal, whether or not you have an accent. Just an assumption.

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    So in case it is a plugin. What it does behind has no way of knowing (I think, not yours if it is Open Source). Sometimes he even removes the accents, sometimes the mechanisms have become "smarter".

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