Error from "expected Expression before ːint'"


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I was following this example, but it was done on Windows, so it was used <conio.h>. When I try to run on Linux I get 2 errors: an *h=int(tempo);, that I don’t understand why, and the other in the getch. How can I replace them?

#include <stdio.h>

void horario(float tempo, int *h, int *m)

int main ()
    int hora,minuto;
    char resp;
    float t;

        printf("Digite o horario na forma centesimal: ");
        printf("Horario: %02d:02%d\n",hora,minuto);
        printf("Quer calcular outro horario? (S/N):");
    } while (resp=='S');
    return 0;
  • 2

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2 answers


To make a "cast" use the desired type between parentheses followed by the value

(int)tempo // cast de tempo para tipo int: correcto
int(tempo) // incorrecto: aparenta ser a chamada da funcao int com argumento tempo

You can replace the getch() for getchar() (prototype in <stdio.h> that you’ve already included).

  • a yes, I confused even, thank you very much. you know a function that replaces getch on linux?

  • 1

    Note that int(valor) works in C++. Maybe the code has been compiled in C++ mode in Windows?

  • no, I think it was just a typo, this was an example given in class, and we used C.


You had two problems:

  1. Typecast badly done.
  2. getchar instead of getch

    void horario(float tempo, int *h, int *m){
    int main(){
        int hora,minuto;
        char resp;
        float t;
            printf("Digite o horario na forma centesimal: ");
            printf("Horario: %02d:02%d\n",hora,minuto);
            printf("Quer calcular outro horario? (S/N):");
            resp = getchar();
        } while (resp=='S');
        return 0;
  • When I run the program, "do ... while" is not starting again, it will be some problem with getchar?

  • 1

    Yes. The getchar() gets the ENTER from scanf() previous. A rough solution will be doings 2 getchar() followed: one to consume ENTER and one to catch the answer.

  • 1

    Or use a scanf("%c", &Resp);

  • got it, I think for this example I’ll use the same scanf, thank you very much.

  • I’ve already edited my code, as @pmg said it has to use two getchar() or else a scanf("%s") I think it also works.

  • In the scanf put a space to ignore any n existing in the input buffer: scanf(" %c", &Resp);

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