lightbox on page loaded with ajax


Viewed 283 times


Good people... here’s the thing: I’m making a page in php but java I don’t really know anything.... I used only java that I removed from an example to make dynamic page loading and to make a lightbox... the problem is when I want to conjugate the 2.... I want the lightbox working inside a page loaded with ajax.... here is the code:

index page.php

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $("#menu a").click(function( e ){
      var href = $( this ).attr('href');
      $("#center_content").load( href +" #center_content");

and in the div "center_content" the contents are loaded.... now on the content page with lightbox

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var addToAll = false;
    var gallery = false;
    var titlePosition = 'over';
    $(addToAll ? 'img' : 'img.fancybox').each(function(){
      var $this = $(this);
      var title = $this.attr('title');
      var src = $this.attr('data-big') || $this.attr('src');
      var a = $('<a href="#" class="fancybox"></a>').attr('href', src).attr('title', title);
    if (gallery)
      $('a.fancybox').attr('rel', 'fancyboxgallery');
      titlePosition: titlePosition

NOTE: I did not put the calls from the script but they are there.... Can anyone tell me what to change? because of this I do not understand ANYTHING!

1 answer


You can only instantiate a lightbox after its html exists.

$("#center_content").load( href +" #center_content", function() {
    //aqui dentro você dispara o lightbox

Dude, besides, you shouldn’t bring any javascript on the loaded page.

Make it all available in the first load and don’t bring any script tag via ajax.

  • just put the second script inside the first one? what happens to me is that it does not load inside the index and goes to a new page with the content! :/

  • now I got it not to open new tab, load the other page but the lightbox effect does not work!!!

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