Enter key do not give Submit


Viewed 4,310 times


How to make the enter key fail Submit on a form?

Example: in an input by pressing the enter nothing happens.

Today I press the enter, the browser gives a Submit, as and had clicked on send button.

4 answers


You can replace Handler for standard behavior:

$(document).ready(function() {
    if(event.keyCode == 13) {
      return false;

Or, on the Form tag:

<form onsubmit="return false;">


  • 1

    Ah, the guy went faster ;)

  • 1

    Leeevemente @Wallacemaxters ;)


So too does:

 $('#form').bind('submit', false);


This will only send the form when you click the Submit button.


Alternative with pure Javascript:

document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {

  if(e.keyCode === 13) {


In the first line we are adding an event of keydown to the document

That is, whenever a key is pressed, we will have an event being fired at the DOM

Then we check if the pressed key is enter, which has the code 13, with the comparison of keycode

If enter, we prevent the default event with preventDefault, that is sending the form to the server


Use event.preventDefault();

This will prevent the default event from occurring.

The use of return false within a jQuery event handler is effectively the same as calling event.preventDefault().

  • See this question for a better explanation: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1357118/event-preventdefault-vs-return-false

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