Check empty fields with php


Viewed 3,637 times


My question is simple, but I’m not finding an answer. I have a form with 5 fields, but all fields are required instead of creating Empty() for each field, as I would to check that all fields are empty at once?

  • Want to do in Javascript or PHP itself ?

  • Hi Zoom. In php itself.

  • 7

1 answer


You can check field by field with the function
empty() and is_null() or compare value with empty.
But all at once does not give.

I found this piece of code that might make it easier for you, I didn’t test it.

// Cria as variáveis dinamicamente
foreach ( $_POST as $chave => $valor ) {
    // Remove todas as tags HTML
    // Remove os espaços em branco do valor
    $chave = trim( strip_tags( $valor ) );

    // Verifica se tem algum valor em branco
    if ( empty ( $valor ) ) {
        $erro = 'Existem campos em branco.';
  • Thank you all. The answer that most suited my needs was that of Edilson.

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