How to Transform a Bitmap into to send to Amazon S3


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  • 1

    If your problem is send bitmap, because it posted the code to catch him? And what mistake you get?

  • I left there in case there is any error in the way to catch it, and so there is a better understanding of the steps I am following and just do not have a mistake because I do not know how to send a bitmap to Amazon S3

  • It doesn’t matter how you get the bitmap. But what problem are you facing when sending it? Show the code and error.

  • You will probably have to create a webservice

  • But using Amazon’s sdk it no longer makes the direct connection when it creates a connection client?

  • What I noticed, I have to pass a File instead of a Bitmap but how to do it to send?

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1 answer


I also use the Amazon SDK to upload to S3 and record the Bitmap in an app cache folder and then move to the SDK.

Something like:

public static File storeOnCache(Context context, Bitmap bitmap) throws IOException {
    File cacheDir = context.getCacheDir();
    File file = new File(cacheDir, generateRandomFilename("jpg"));

    FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);

    bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, out);


    return file;

Where the generateRandomFileName is a simple method that generates a name for not having conflict.

public static String generateRandomFilename(@Nullable String extension) {
    return new StringBuilder(50)
            .append((int) (Math.random() * 10000.0))

Ai may be worth having a later treatment to remove the file at the end of the upload.


Bitmap bitmap = ...

File bitmapOnCache = storeOnCache(this, bitmap);
String fileName = bitmapOnCache.getName();

// Dependendo da forma como irá fazer:

ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();

metadata.setContentLength(mTotalFileBytes = bitmapOnCache.length());

PutObjectRequest por = new PutObjectRequest("BUCKET_NAME", fileName, new FileInputStream(bitmapOnCache), metadata);

AmazonS3Client client = ...

  • What you pass as parameter to "bitmap = ..."?

  • There would be the Bitmap that you got from somewhere and that you need to send to S3

  • The next thing you know AmazonClientException: Unable to execute HTTP request: Write error: ssl=0xb7729c70: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer, is resetting the image size or pattern?

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