PDO does not return Count


Viewed 46 times


I need to store the result count, but apparently with PDO I can’t store the value. I’ve already select on the outside and the result comes, because I can’t store in the variable $flag the result?

    $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as flag FROM RESERVAS
              WHERE DATA_RETORNO_REAL = '0000-00-00' AND
                    COD_VEICULO = :veiculo and
                    DATE_FORMAT(DATA_SAIDA, \'%d-%m-%Y\') = :data_reserva
    $data = $conexao->prepare($query);    // Prepare query for execution
    ':veiculo' => $veiculo,
    ':data_reserva' => $data_reserva
    $saidas = $data->fetch();

    $flag = $saidas['flag'];

On the outside:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Do this - var_dump($saidas); - and put the return here.

  • solved taking out DATE_FORMAT(DATA_SAIDA, '%d-%m-%Y') = :data_reserve and replaces by data_output = kurdate(). I do not know why here do not work....

  • Now that you say it, with the \' you were slipping the quotes ('), for this reason did not work, experiment putting DATE_FORMAT(DATA_SAIDA, '%d-%m-%Y').

1 answer


Remove the bars from DATE_FORMAT(DATA_SAIDA, \'%d-%m-%Y\'), bars followed by quotation marks (single or double) escape them or the quotation marks were being interpreted as part of the string and not as the delimiter.

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