Sending Newsletter to Bulk Bank Emails - No Limit Swiftmailer Email


Viewed 43 times



I have an action on my controller that triggers emails from the database. I did some tests on my machine by inserting only my own e-mail into the table, put up to 1000. I only managed to receive 750 emails in my box. I wonder what it might be?

 $usuarios = Doctrine_Core::getTable('tbmailing')->createQuery('u')->select('')->where('u.ativo = ?', 'Y')->execute();

    foreach ($usuarios as $usuario)
        $sair = '<p style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:x-small;">'
                . 'Se você deseja cancelar o recebimento deste boletim, '
                . '<a href="'.$rota.'/mailing/unsubscribe/'.base64_encode($usuario->getEmail()).'">'
                . 'acesse aqui.'
                . '</a>'
               . '</p>';

        $message = $this->getMailer()->compose(
            array("[email protected]" => "Meu Site"),
                'Meu Site',
                '<img src=""/>'.
                .'<img src="" border="0"/>'



I use the Symfony framework Swiftmailer in version 1.4.

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