Search larger SQL sellers


Viewed 68 times


I need an SQL code that shows me the best sellers but in the result show me which store this employee belongs to.

I can do the research to find out which are the best sellers but I don’t know how to select which store it is from. Below is my code:

select distinct co_operador, count(*) as qtidade_lib
from [dbo].[pistb002_liberacao_beneficio]
group by co_operador
order by "qtidade_lib" desc
  • 3

    And where is the store recorded? Another table? In the same?

1 answer


Suppose there is a store table called Tblojas and it is related to this table that you used in the example via the Lojaid field.

Instruction would look like this:

select distinct B.co_operador, L.NomeLoja, count(B.*) as qtidade_lib
from [dbo].[pistb002_liberacao_beneficio] B
Inner Join TbLojas L
ON B.LojaID = L.LojaID
group by B.co_operador, L.NomeLoja
order by "qtidade_lib" desc

If you can give more information about where the store table is and how it is related to this benefit table it is easier...

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