Error starting Tomcat 9 as a service


Viewed 1,783 times


I am having a problem starting Tomcat service. When I try to start the service, some problem happens and it is not initialized.

The log in the C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0\logs is as follows:

[2015-12-12 17:34:58] [info]  [ 3476] Running 'FunctionsHandler' Service...
[2015-12-12 17:34:58] [info]  [ 4076] Starting service...
[2015-12-12 17:34:59] [error] [ 2236] FindClass org/apache/catalina/startup/Bootstrap failed
[2015-12-12 17:34:59] [error] [ 4076] Failed to start Java
[2015-12-12 17:34:59] [error] [ 4076] ServiceStart returned 4
[2015-12-12 17:34:59] [info]  [ 3476] Run service finished.
[2015-12-12 17:34:59] [info]  [ 3476] Commons Daemon procrun finished

The variable JAVA_HOME is already defined.

Any idea what might be going on?

2 answers


This error is not specifically from version 9, it is not new, it is because Tomcat has not detected or properly configured the classpath for the apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M1/bin/boostrap.jar and apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M1/bin/tomcat-juli.jar.

Another possible situation is that you have not found the way (JAVA_HOME) for the JVM, thus causing failure when trying to upload the web container (Tomcat).

You can change by following the properties of the Tomcat service on Windows.

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  • I thought I already set the variable JAVA_HOME, but as I was setting up a new environment, I did everything from scratch and ended up setting it pointing to the JRE target folder, and not JDK. After reviewing, I found the variables, I found the error.


Guys had the same problem. To solve, I opened Apache Tomcat, went on Properties and on the tab Startup changed the Mode of jvm for java. After that the service started correctly.

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