Use ID in URL for Wordpress SEO


Viewed 39 times


I’m having a cruel doubt whether or not to use the post_id in the URL.

I’m currently using :

/%Category%/%postname%-%post_id%. html

is it worth removing this post_id or create with a bar separating the id from the post name?

/%Category%/%postname%/%post_id%. html

1 answer


Looking only at SEO, I believe that you leave your URL without numbers, leaving as "friendly" as possible, so it is better read to the user and the robots of Search Engines.

But considering that you already have a URL, in a production environment, it is worth evaluating the impact of this, if it is little, I believe it would be valid to remove the "post_id" of the url as a whole.

EX: /%Category%/%postname%. html

  • In my case I am creating a portal currently have 10 thousand links. I do not know if in time when you have more posts will be slow Wordpress if I remove the post_id so hit the doubt.

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