Android Delphi-10 build error on Windows 10


Viewed 4,648 times


I’m having a problem to compile for android on Delphi-10, follow the error

[Exec Error] The command "PATH C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_79 bin;C: Users Public Documents Embarcadero Studio.0 Bpl;C: Users Public Documents Embarcadero Interbase redist Interbasexe7 Ide_spoof;C: Program Files Java jdk1.7.0_79 bin; & "C: Users Jeffe Documents Embarcadero Studio.0 Platformsdks android-sdk-windows build-tools.0.1 dx.bat" -Dex --output="C: Users Jeffe Onedrive Mobile Programming ads100 Android Debug classes.Dex" "c: program files (x86) Embarcadero studio.0 lib Android Debug google-play-services.dex.jar" "c: program files (x86) Embarcadero studio.0 lib Android Debug google-play-Licensing.dex.jar" "c: program files (x86) Embarcadero studio.0 lib Android Debug google-play-Billing.dex.jar" "c: program files (x86) Embarcadero studio.0 lib Android Debug google-Analytics-v2.dex.jar" "c: program files (x86) Embarcadero studio.0 lib Android Debug fmx.dex.jar" "c: program files (x86) Embarcadero studio.0 lib Android Debug cloud-messaging.dex.jar" "c: program files (x86) Embarcadero studio.0 lib Android Debug apk-Expansion.dex.jar" ""c: program files (x86) Embarcadero studio.0 lib Android Debug android-support-v4.dex.jar" " exited with code 3.

  • 1

    Check if you have the proper permissions for these folders, compiling in Delphi consists of Generate Executable/APK and for that you need permission!

  • Maybe it’s not the problem, but I found something strange, your Delphi is 32bit right? You should install java 32bit too, or I’m wrong?

  • From what I saw in comments on the net, the problem is in the path of the java path in environment variables, but I tried to add did not work, and sample apps work normally this is stranger

  • Set the PATH variable to: type Windows + R > typhoon control and press enter > Sistema > Configurações avançadas de sistema > in Propriedades do Sistema go p/ tab Avançado > Variáveis de Ambiente... > in - Variáveis do Sistema- > edit the variable PATH > put the value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_79\bin;C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio.0\Bpl;C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\InterBase\redist\InterBaseXE7\IDE_spoof; or access:

  • In my case just uninstall java 9 and returned to normal

3 answers


My case was similar, with the same message I updated to the java versão 8

In tools>>options>>sdk manager enter the java and configure to the new folder C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_101\bin\keytool.exe and the other for the same folder, worked for me.


With me I solved this problem in Delphi Berlin as follows: On the PROJECT MANAGER screen (on the right) go to Android SDK -->> CONFIGURATION and check that the Application Store option is DISABLED by leaving the other existing option enabled, then right click on each listed option and turn off.


Try Update Java as Mr. Luiz’s response if it doesn’t work try to update the Sdk and NDK the Way is: Tools > Options > Environment Options > SDK Manager. in the flaps Sdk and NDK and Java check if you have any items marked red or with a plaque with an exclamation mark. After Refresh return to normal.

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