Save image array to different columns


Viewed 606 times


Good night.

I would like to count on your help in solving a problem that has been grinding my molecule for a few days and I have not yet been able to find a solution.

I have the following code to upload to the 4-photo server:

$selectmaxpro=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select max(`imp_id`) as `impid` from `imp`"));

$path = "imo/uploads/"; 
$count = 0;
foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $f => $name) {

	mysql_query("insert into `images_imp` values('','$name','$maxidpro')");

	            if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["files"]["tmp_name"][$f], $path.$name)) {


So far so good... my problem is that in the database the elements are all followed assuming the same id. How the image shows:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

What query radius do I have to do for the array values to be saved in different columns type:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

If not possible, how can I access or select each of the images separately for presentation on the page? The code I have only allows me to display the first of the images with the same id...

 <div id="imagem1">

 $selectphoto=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from `images_imp` where `imp_id`='$id' "));
  <img id="targetLayer" src="imo/uploads/<?php echo $selectphoto['imag']; ?>" alt="Image">


Thanks in advance for your help.

Hug Nuno S.

  • 1

    Does not use functions mysql_*, you can do this based on this answer:, or you can use the PDO.

2 answers


Well, What little I’ve seen of this architecture of yours, I’ve found a simpler solution for you to get what you need.

Since you need to enter this data into the same record, I have created a solution for inserting it at once, so the foreach looping will not make multiple records.



    $selectmaxpro=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select max(`imp_id`) as `impid` from `imp`"));

    $path = "imo/uploads/"; 
    $count = 0;

    // vamos criar um array das imagens
    $imagens = array();

    foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $f => $name) {

            // a inserção será feita uma vez só, então retirei o a query de dentro fo foreach

            if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES["files"]["tmp_name"][$f], $path.$name)) {

                // inseri a imagem no array... e isso sera feito sempre até acabar...
                array_push($imagens, $name);



    // e ai insiro as imagens de uma vez só no mesmo registro...

    $img1 = $imagens[0];
    $img2 = $imagens[1];
    $img3 = $imagens[2];
    $img4 = $imagens[3];

 mysql_query("insert into `images_imp` values('','$img1', '$img2', '$img3', '$img4', '$maxidpro')");



Since I did not take the test there may be some kind of error. But the logic is there.

Another solution would be, rescue these images in looping while


   <div id="imagem1">


 $selectphoto=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from `images_imp` where `imp_id`='$id' "));

   // com apenas este código ele mostrará todas as imagens que estão com o mesmo 'imp_id'


 <img id="targetLayer" src="imo/uploads/<?php echo $selectphoto['imag']; ?>" alt="Image">


// não esqueça de fechar o looping =)



As mentioned in the comments, stop using mysql_query. Use mysqli or PDO



  • Fabulastico :)) worked wonderfully @Andrei coelho :o) Thank you all for the advice :) hug

  • Tranquil @Nunosilva .... good luck!


Eae Nuno, Blza?

Try to use the Implode in its $maxidpro array, there is to understand that there are three more fields in Insert.

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