What is a backtracking algorithm?


Viewed 7,366 times


What is an algorithm Backtracking ?

  • What are its characteristics ?
  • What are its advantages and disadvantages ?
  • 1

    I did not know, I found this here in the Wikipedia https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backtracking and I found it super fucking awesome.

  • 2

    @Marconi elaborates a constructive response and post here !

  • 1

    I’ll leave this more experienced pros,rs. I’ve already scored as a favorite to see when the answer comes out.

1 answer


Backtracking is a generic algorithm that searches, by brute force, possible solutions to computational problems (typically problems of satisfaction with restrictions).

  • In an incremental way, search for candidates for solutions and abandon each partial candidate C when C cannot result in a solution valid.
  • When your search reaches one end of the data structure, as a terminal node of a tree, the algorithm performs a rewind typically implemented through a recursion.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Algorithm Example

bool acabou = FALSE;

backtrack(int a[], int k, int n) {
    int c[MAXCANDIDATOS];  /* Candidatos para a próxima posição */
    int ncandidatos;       /* Número de candidatos para a próxima posição */
    int i;                 /* Contador */

    if (e_uma_solucao(a, k, n)) {
        processar_solucao(a, k, n);
    } else {
        k = k + 1;
        construir_candidatos(a, k, n, c, &ncandidatos);
        for (i=0; i<ncandidatos; i++) {
            a[k] = c[i];
            backtrack(a, k, n);
            if (acabou) return;

Basic Characteristics:

  • For each recursive call there are several options that can be followed. E.g.: Many vertices may be next.
  • Several data from the subset of input data not yet included in the solution are candidates. It may be that all are and there may be a restriction (Constraint) reducing the number of candidates. Ex.: Only neighbouring vertices are candidates to be next.
  • The algorithm can attempt a recursive call for each of the candidates (solution for exhaustive search). Ex.: The Traveler Clerk tries all paths.
  • The algorithm can choose one or a few data according to any criterion.
  • The search process creates a recursive call tree. E.g.: All partial paths of the traveling salesman.
  • Leaves of this tree are of two types:
    • They represent a possible solution to the problem.
    • Represent a point where the algorithm could no longer go forward (Failure) without hurting any precondition for the previously generated solution to be valid. Ex.: Path found up to now is very long, although there are still vertices to go.


  • Fairly easy way to implement a problem that would otherwise be much more complex than resolve.
  • Logic Programming Area Languages (PROLOG, KL-ONE, OPS5) usually bring some built-in mechanism that supports backtracking.

Negative Points:

  • Backtracking programs, unless you program constraints (constraints) always run an exhaustive search and will tend to the combinatorial explosion.
  • Backtracking programs are by nature, combinatorics !
  • They need a lot of memory in the stack, since the amount of local variables transported by each recursive call is directly proportional to the problem size.
  • This means that the amount of memory required for a backtracking program can grow exponentially with the size of the problem.

Where applicable:

Backtracking is applicable in the solution of several known problems, among which can be highlighted:

  • Traveler
  • Horseback Ride
  • N-Queens
  • Find Space for Solutions
  • Graham’s exam
  • Generation of Permutations
  • Maze problems

OBS: The combinatorial explosion should be kept in mind.

Source: Backtracking

  • 1

    Apparently you removed the figure and the example of Wikipedia, it would be important to give the proper credit. Also, the example is more a snippet than a demonstration of the algorithm, because it’s not even pseudocode. What is the language?

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