How to open a . txt file in Matlab that has many elements?


Viewed 5,456 times


When the matrix has few elements the dlmread command fucks but in the case of a high-order matrix does not. I would like to have access to the matrix columns.

  • Provide more details friend, Show the matrix with few elements and the with many elements!

  • The matrix is in a file . txt coming from a simulation. When I try to open it with the command I have always used, dlmread('filename.txt'), the message appears in Workspace: Too Many Elements. I would like to know another command that I can use to access the columns of the matrix.

1 answer


Try to use the tblread instead of dlmread!

You can read files with this structure:

Latitude » Longitude » City
42.3584  » -71.0598  » Boston
40.4167  » -3.7003   » Madrid
41.8955  » 12.4823   » Rome

And you can still use delimiters to find the right positions!

Source for research and understanding of the cited command!

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