After compiling a package, comes this error message:
249/36 PLS-00103: Encountered the Symbol "TS_ODO" when expecting one of the following: := . ( @ %; The Symbol ":=" was substituted for "TS_ODO" to continue.
250/34 PLS-00103: Encountered the Symbol "DATE" when expecting one of the following: := . ( @ %; The Symbol ":=" was substituted for "DATE" to continue.
274/89 PLS-00103: Encountered the Symbol ";" when expecting one of the following: ) , * & = - + < / > at is mod reminder not rem => <> or != or ~= >= <= e or as like2 like4 likec between || Multiset submultiset member The Symbol ")" was substituted for ";" to continue.
What happens is that these Rows/Columns that are shown, are comments. I saw nothing, next to those lines that could give me a clue (syntax errors and etc...)
I found the error and it has nothing to do with the displayed row/column. The thing is, I declared some variables and then I realized they were outside the clause
. That solved two errors and now the third is missing, but I already know that they were caused by my amendment.– pnet