How to ask the reason for a deletion using confirm and prompt?


Viewed 38 times


I have a project ready and I need to make a change. When I delete a record I callprint "javascript:if(confirm('" . $msg . "'))";, however I need to ask the reason for the deletion. I would like to ask this reason with a prompt.

The user will click the button, and a prompt will appear asking the reason for the deletion. If fill and click ok, I take this amount and forward with href:

<a href=" <?php msg("Deseja desvincular associado?") ?>
          cd_aluno=<?php echo $oquefazer->registros->cd_aluno; ?>';}">
          <button class="btn"><p class="icon-remove-sign"></p></button>
  • 1

    You can use ajax?

  • 1

    Thank you. I made a gambit and resolved

1 answer


You can use the function prompt javascript


function mostrarPrompt() {
  var motivo = prompt('Informe o motivo');
  if (motivo === '')
  if (motivo !== null)
    return motivo;
  return null;

  • Thank you. I made a gambit and resolved

  • @Klebersouza posts his solution in an answer so he can help other people who may later have the same problem :) And don’t forget to accept your answer so it doesn’t get pending. ;)

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