Change Order by Clicking the Tab Key


Viewed 271 times


I’m using bootstrap in a c#project, and when I click the tab key to change the fields the direction is from right to left, and I wanted it to be the other way around, where do I change? Ex: when it arrives in the buttons save and cancel it goes first in cancel and then in save. As an example in the photo below.Nagegação com a tecla TAB

  • The project is ASP.Net MVC?

  • Correct. mvc

  • You are using the helpers to generate these fields, right?

  • Thanks @jbueno ! It worked ;)

2 answers


You can pass the order of the fields on Html Helpers

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Prop, new { tabindex = 1 })


You can use the attribute tabindex="2" in HTML. Example

<!DOCTYPE html>

<a href="" tabindex="2">W3Schools</a><br>
<a href="" tabindex="1">Google</a><br>
<a href="" tabindex="3">Microsoft</a>

<p><b>Note:</b> Try navigating the links by using the "Tab" button on you keyboard.</p>


  • Thanks @Ricardo and @jbueno! It worked ;)

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