Doubt about "Error Converting data type varchar to float"


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Error Converting data type varchar to float

This error is occurring when performing a Update in a table, follows below the code:

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Notas SET nota = '" + nota.nota + "' WHERE idMateria = '" + nota.idMateria + "' and idAluno = '" + nota.idAluno + "';", con);

The note field is created in the BD as float, I tried to perform the conversion but I’m not getting any hint?

  • What is the value of 'note.' ?

  • The value of nota.nota is the type float and is caught by a input

  • The reply from @gypsy!

2 answers


You need to use parameters:

var cmd = new SqlCommand(@"UPDATE Notas 
                           SET nota = @nota 
                           WHERE idMateria = @idMateria 
                           and idAluno = @idAluno", con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@nota", SqlDbType.Float).Value = nota.nota;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@idMateria", SqlDbType.Int).Value = nota.idMateria;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@idAluno", SqlDbType.Int).Value = nota.idAluno;

Parameters solve for you the type of the variable, prevent SQL Injection and strange behavior in the execution. See more here.

  • The answer @Jedaias Rodrigues gave me worked, SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Notas SET nota = " + nota.nota + " WHERE idMateria = " + nota.idMateria + " and idAluno = " + nota.idAluno + ";", con); with this code I am vulnerable to SQL Injection?

  • 2

    Absolutely. In fact the answer works, but this practice of mounting SQL with a free variable needs to be avoided. It is not this specific case, but imagine that one of the properties of nota were string. You agree with me that I can write drop database SeuBanco; ?


Warning: This response may leave your code vulnerable to SQL Injection, use that other answer.

Well, let’s go in pieces...

  • In his enclosure WHERE you are using simple quotes for fields that apparently are of the type int, but roughly this should only be done in fields of the type varchar.

  • As we discussed in the issue chat, it appears your database is set to default en-US where the actual values are separated by dot and not comma as here in our Brasilzão.

Apergunta is:
What type of variable is nota.nota?
string or float?


In this case you will need to make one REPLACE in your query by replacing the comma by a period, and after that you will also need to make a CONVERT or CAST so that the string magically transformed into a value of the type float. This is necessary as it is not possible to insert a string in a field that was created to receive float.

The query would look like this:

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Notas SET nota = CONVERT(FLOAT, REPLACE('" + nota.nota + "', ',', '.')) WHERE idMateria = " + nota.idMateria + " and idAluno = " + nota.idAluno + ";", con);

Or you could still do the replace via C# before creating the query:

nota.nota = nota.nota.Replace(",", ".");

And so generate the query without replace:

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Notas SET nota = CONVERT(FLOAT, '" + nota.nota + "') WHERE idMateria = " + nota.idMateria + " and idAluno = " + nota.idAluno + ";", con);

Would those be the best options? In my view it does not have a very good smell...
In my humble opinion nota.nota be the type float would be much cuter.


How the value is coming from View?
string or float?

If you are coming as a string, convert to float in the Controller, but I would particularly prefer convert to float in View already sending so the object ready.

So your query would look like this:

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Notas SET nota = " + nota.nota + " WHERE idMateria = " + nota.idMateria + " and idAluno = " + nota.idAluno + ";", con);
  • I did as described but a new error occurred Incorrect syntax near '5'. (Note: Only the note value is float)

  • the ids are varchar? that comic you’re using?

  • the ids are of the type int the database is Mysql Server 2014

  • I changed the answer, see if it fits you now...

  • I changed this now with this mistake Error converting data type varchar to numeric.

  • put a breakpoint on this line and check that the value is coming correctly...

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