table Angularjs ordering does not change


Viewed 199 times


I’m making a call from the server to a list of users, the result comes smoothly, but the ordering is not working.


<div class="table-responsive">
                <table class="table table-striped table-responsive">
                            <th><span id="orderColumn"  ng-click="changeSorting('id');sortType = 'id'; sortReverse = !sortReverse;">Registro <i ng-class="getIcon('id')" class="iSort halflings"></i></span></th>
                            <th><span ng-click="changeSorting('login');sortType = 'login'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">Usuário <i ng-class="getIcon('login')" class="iSort halflings"></i></span></th>
                            <th><span ng-click="changeSorting('name');sortType = 'name'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">Nome <i ng-class="getIcon('name')" class="iSort halflings"></i></span></th>
                            <th><span ng-click="changeSorting('surname');sortType = 'surname'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">Sobrenome <i ng-class="getIcon('surname')" class="iSort halflings"></i></span></th>                                
                            <th><span ng-click="changeSorting('occupation');sortType = 'occupation'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">Cargo <i ng-class="getIcon('occupation')" class="iSort halflings"></i></span></th>
                            <th><span ng-click="changeSorting('department');sortType = 'department'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">Departamento <i ng-class="getIcon('department')" class="iSort halflings"></i></span></th>
                            <th><span ng-click="changeSorting('sessionTimeout');sortType = 'sessionTimeout'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">Sessão <i ng-class="getIcon('sessionTime')" class="iSort halflings"></i></span></th>
                    <tr ng-repeat="roll in user2" ng-class="{'danger' : == 2, 'warning' : == 3}">
                            <td><span ng-click="alterarUsuario("><a href="#/usuario/cadastro"> Alterar</a></span></td>
                            <td><span ng-click="remover()"> Remover</span></td>



$scope.consultar = function (callback) {
    console.log("entrou no consultar");
    var token = getCookie("token");
    var json = {};
    consumeService (token, JSON.stringify(json), "funcionario/getAllFuncionarios", "POST", "alerta", function(result){

$scope.chamar = function (){
        console.log("Query :"+ JSON.stringify(result));
        $scope.user2 = result;

$scope.init = function () {
    console.log("ta entrando no init")

$scope.sort = { active: '', descending: undefined}    

 * Metodo que dispara a alteracao de ordenação
 * e seu respctivo icone
$scope.changeSorting = function(column) {
  var sort = $scope.sort;
  if ( == column) {
     sort.descending = !sort.descending;
  else { = column;
    sort.descending = false;

 * Metodo para alteracao de icone de Ordenação
 * a partir do estado que ela se encontra
$scope.getIcon = function(column) {
  var sort = $scope.sort;
  if ( == column) {
    return sort.descending
      ? 'halflings-sort-by-attributes-alt'
      : 'halflings-sort-by-attributes';
  return 'halflings-sort';

There’s something wrong with the way I’m doing ?? I’m not finding the problem.

1 answer


The problem may lie in the fact that at no time the object sort is mentioned in ng-repeat, or applied to the collection.

Another factor - nowhere in your code the collection $scope.user2 is mentioned, even though it is the data source of your ng-repeat.

  • I updated the post here, calling the users for a service I did, I am able to bring them quietly, only the ordering does not work

  • @Victorsiqueira A functional ordering mechanism can be seen in this post:

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