Fill out web page form using Java application


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There’s a site I need to use frequently. On this site I need to repeat a sequence of steps. I want to write a program that automates this process (I have more practice with Java, but can be in any language).

I tried Selenium, but it opens the browser and simulates user commands, I want something to run without the user seeing.

The sequence of steps is as follows:

  1. Login
  2. Select item from menu
  3. Enter the client code
  4. Select item from menu
  5. Click on a button
  6. Enter codes of the products
  7. Back to item 2

Thank you for your attention.

  • What have you tried? Add what you’ve tried so they can help you.

  • Use the Htmlunit then

  • I think the most appropriate would be the use of an API (webservice). Check if the site has an API.

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