DMZ with Ajax on client


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My problem is this, I’ve been developing a Single-Page Application which in the end will be posted on a server DMZ. On the other side I’ll have one API who will receive the requisitions from my front, the problem is : my client will have a copy of the front on his machine, and when making the request I will have to release my local network (where is the API), making the concept of DMZ only 50%.

Has anyone ever had this problem ? Any suggestions ?

  • Put your API on the DMZ. Implement a local network service that establishes a communication channel with the API - Queue messaging, TCP LAN connection -> DMZ, etc. Route requests through the channel.

  • Any article or tutorial that explains this @Ibotinelly? It’s something new for me and a majority. It might be nice to ask a question and answer the same.

  • @Giancarloabelgiulian posted as reply, thanks for the suggestion.

1 answer


By DMZ I understand that you have a network segment only with incoming connections and limitations to services that can be exploited as access vectors. Therefore, a viable implementation follows the following model:

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  • Requests are received, in DMZ, by an API that plays the role of Broker/proxy;
  • This API implements a Messaging Queue - MSMQ, Zeromq or similar;
  • The API sends service requests via MQ, and waits for a response status;
  • On the local network, also monitoring the same MQ, is a service;
  • Upon receiving a request, this service processes it; if necessary, sends a return status/payload;
  • The API processes the return and sends it to the client.
  • In this case, what is the real advantage of using Message Queue? I could implement in its place another API that would return the data in the LAN layer.

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