Problem with Portuguese in ADT


Viewed 79 times


I’m working on a Android App, and a friend of mine sent me the app that he worked, but had a problem, all characters in our language like "ç" became things like c'@%, evidencing problem in coding/translation. I was wondering if this can relate to the language of my Eclipse when I installed it or what.

I tried to recompile, but the database we were using (internal) is not being modified, it is being said that I am defining two Primary Keys, but I’m not doing it, someone knows what’s going on?

  • @mgibsonbr the error you are showing me is this: 03-23 19:32:02.536: E/Database(332): Failure 19 (PRIMARY KEY must be Unique) on 0x92ba0 when executing 'INSERT INTO "type" VALUES(1,"STATE");'

1 answer


Without more information you can’t tell what’s going on, but I can tell you two things:

  1. The language of Eclipse has nothing to do - but the encoding of the source files - may have. The Java compiler (javac) accepts a parameter -encoding and, second that question on Soen, Eclipse has an option for you to report this to the compiler (I haven’t used Eclipse for a long time, so I can’t tell you where).

    Check (using another text editor, for example) if the coding of your files is different from the coding of the computer where the program is being compiled. If it is, specify this parameter in Eclipse, passing the correct encoding.

  2. This database thing has nothing to do with the problem you’re experiencing. If you have a second unrelated difficulty, I suggest opening a new question by adding the relevant details.

That being said, it’s likely that your problem isn’t with encoding at compile time (but check item 1 just to be sure), but when displaying the strings on the screen or something. Please isolate in your application the excerpt that has the incorrect result, and edit your question showing it, so we can help you more. For example, check which field is presenting this problem, and look for the code snippet that populates this field and/or prints it on the screen.

  • I added the error I’m having in a comment.

  • @user3256631 I still don’t understand what your database problem has to do with the accented letters problem. Seems like two separate things to me. Probably the case of the bank is because the script that populates the comic book is running twice, I don’t know... Open a separate question for this, it is not worth mixing the two things if they have no relation to each other (and if the question becomes too wide, it will end up being closed as such)

  • 1

    I took your advice and asked a single question:

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