Add a value to while in php


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I have the following code:

  $con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","gibellino");
  $result = mysqli_query($con,"select * from index_img");

  while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
    $img = $row['img'];
    echo "<td><img src='../imagem/bd/index/$img' width='170px' height='300px'><a href='#'><img src='../imagem/fancy_closebox.png' id='fechar'></a></td>";

Good, and I wanted the while had one more value than the database data number. Of the kind:

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)+1)

I tried +1 on while I have tried to create the Row outside the while and add to it 1 but always give me error.

  • 2

    Explain better what you want to do. What is the expected result.

  • @Danielomine, the number "n" that while has comes from the database, right? I wanted the number that while had was "n+1". for example I have 5 data in the database and I wanted while to fetch this 5 data and add a value like this was 6

  • 2

    this is obvious.. what I ask is, why do you want 1 more ? is to be able to generate 1 more <td><img src='... ? (off topic: please try to write Portuguese correctly)

  • yes it is to be able to generate more 1 <img> but this image does not come from the same table.

  • 2

    then put this additional image out of the repeat loop.

  • The problem is that I have a table with images (I think this I could see) but I don’t know how many images I have there because I can add how to remove images from the table. And I wanted to add, when the number of images in the database came to an end, a different image that is not in the database

  • Honestly I still don’t understand the goal. Edit your question and clarify better.

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1 answer


The value being passed to while is not a number n as you are thinking, so it is not possible to do the +1 that you wanted.

  while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))

The variable $row of the expression is receiving a array of function mysqli_fetch_array($result), and since that array is not empty, PHP will interpret as true TRUE and when the data ends the expression will return NULL which will be interpreted as FALSE and then the while will be interrupted.

Note the following code:

while(TRUE) {
   // Trecho de código

The above code represents a loop (loop) infinite, or "never" will be stopped unless a break within the loop.

But there is a way to do it the way you wanted, just use a counter instead of the expression $row = ..., example:

$nrows = mysqli_num_rows($result);
   $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
   // Restante do código aqui

But the problem is that when you finish counting, where you have $row['img'] an index error will be launched, because the variable $row will have the value NULL, since you finished the data. To get around this you would have to add a few if’s and/or ternary operations, things totally unnecessary if put the standard image after the loop as in the example:

  $con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","gibellino");
  $result = mysqli_query($con,"select * from index_img");

  while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
    $img = $row['img'];
    echo "<td><img src='../imagem/bd/index/$img' width='170px' height='300px'><a href='#'><img src='../imagem/fancy_closebox.png' id='fechar'></a></td>";

  // Aqui fora do loop vai a imagem padrão que será sempre adicionada após todas as demais.
  echo "<td><img src='../imagem/bd/index/aqui-vai-a-imagem-padrao.jpg' width='170px' height='300px'><a href='#'><img src='../imagem/fancy_closebox.png' id='fechar'></a></td>";

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