How to consult with Where and like between two tables?


Viewed 438 times


Guys, I have the following problem:

I have two tables, the following tables :

tabela mensagens
| id | mensagem          | _de   | hora                |
| 1  | teste de mensagem | tiago | 2015-12-04 14:56:41 |
tabela amigos
| id | user   | amigos       |
| 1  | italos | igors;tiago; |

I would like to make the following query: that I receive the result of all messages only if there exists in table friends, the value of _de of the table messages. Thank you all.

2 answers


You need a table to link, do searches with varchar even more with multiple values, can make your query heavy and slow for no reason.

tabela mensagens
| id | mensagem          | hora                |
| 9  | teste de mensagem | 2015-12-04 14:56:41 |

tabela amigos
| id | user   |
| 1  | italos | 

tabela amigosItem
| id | user   | msg    |  amigos      |
| 5  | 1      | 9      | igors        |
| 6  | 1      | 9      | tiago        |

Select A.mensagem 
from amigos A
 Inner join amigosItem AI On = AI.user
 Inner join mensagens M On = AI.msg

Would look like this.


Come on Wesley, first the field 'friends' of table friends should be a new table in the database (friend_item), it is not advisable for you to have a multivariate attribute in a table. A solution to select the way you want, is to use the INNER JOIN. But it will only work if your bank is in all relationships correctly. You can generate a script from the DB structure and send it here?

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