Display message for form validation instead of alert


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I am making a form that if the user leaves the name field blank, display the message in the field instead of an alert. The document.write does not work with function through an event. I am using innerHTML and textContent. However I can not display the message. I made two codes, let’s see:


        function validar() {

            if (document.formulario.nome.value.length == 0) {
                var alerta = "O nome deve ser informado";
                var aviso.innerHTML = alerta;


    <form name="formulario">
        Nome: <input type="text" name="nome">

        <input type="submit" value="Enviar" name="cadastro" onclick="validar()">

Second code:

        function validar() {

            if (document.formulario.nome.value.length == 0) {
                var alerta = document.getElementById('alerta');
                alerta.textContent = "O nome deve ser informado";

    <form name="formulario">
        Nome: <input type="text" name="nome"> <input type="submit"
            value="Enviar" name="cadastro" onclick="validar()">
  • In your first example you are making a innetHTML in a variable aviso. Where you use this variable?

  • @Pedro Camara Junior I use the variable in <span id=warning></span> I am doing so, without quotation marks, because I saw an example of a code to show the time on the page where I used <span> to display an innerHTML footprint information block

  • You need to use the getElementById, so you’re not making any reference to span. Take a look at the answer I posted.

  • @Pedro Camara Junior why you wear the symbol of '$'?

  • Is only one good practice, to differentiate variables from other elements. It will work the same way without the dollar.

  • @Pedro Camara Junior I ran your code on the response itself and it worked. I copied it, pasted it into my IDE, but it didn’t work. I changed some things and it didn’t work. Follow jsfidle: http://jsfiddle.net/hkoe6zm0/2/

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1 answer


One option is to create a div right after the txt or in a place of your choice, and in that div you will do the innerHTML from the validation message, I made an example for you to see how it works:

document.getElementById("btnEnviar").addEventListener("click", validar, false);

function validar() {
  var $divMensagem = document.getElementById('divMensagem');
  var $txtNome = document.getElementById('txtNome');

  if ($txtNome.value.length == 0)
    $divMensagem.innerHTML = 'O nome deve ser informado';
    $divMensagem.innerHTML = '';
<input type="text" name="nome" id="txtNome">
<div id="divMensagem"></div>
<input type="submit" value="Enviar" id="btnEnviar" name="cadastro">

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