Error "Call to Undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result" and "Class 'mysqli' not found"


Viewed 689 times


I am developing a simple API using the Slim Framework.

When I perform local tests all functions work the way they should but I started having problems when I went up to a certain hosting. It happens that when I call some function it is even found but returns me the following error:

Call to Undefined method mysqli_stmt::get_result() in.

I have done some research before to try to solve the problem and I had seen the need of active 'mysqlnd' in the hosting but when I request to be active 'mysqli' is disabled and I have the following error:

Class 'mysqli' not found.

To make it clearer the hosting used is localweb and the active php version is 5. (I had the same problem with Hostinger).

I didn’t know what to do at first because I’m starting in Php so any help is welcome.

  • This function I think q is from 5.3, ve if there is . 3 or . 2 yet.

  • Ricardo checked here and the current version is: PHP Version 5.5.30-1~Ocaweb+7.12.

  • The mysqli was introduced in the php 5, already the function get_result belongs to the package mysqlnd which is the native driver.

  • The module mysqli the latter empowered in php.ini?

  • Please make intuitive titles. This will help future users.

1 answer


Apparently according to the hosting itself when they activated 1 the other was disabled. Fortunately the solution was even simple: It was upgraded to php 5.6 and it went well. I appreciate the help from everyone.

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