I have an image in the database saved in blob format, I have to use the base64_encode in php before returning the ajax request and this slows down the process on the server side. Can do or has any native function on javascript or jQuery to do the same base64_encode php on client side in javascript ?
current scenario: javascript
fun.ajaxFoto = custom.ajaxAsync(p,'getFoto','../view/rh/vFuncionarioDetalhes.php');
var img = $('<img>').attr('src',"data:image/jpg;base64," + json.fun_foto);
goes to the vFunctionaryDetails.php file
function getFoto(){
global $colFuncionario;
$obj = (object) $_REQUEST['obj'];
$json = $colFuncionario->getFoto($obj);
$json->fun_foto = base64_encode( $json->fun_foto );
echo json_encode( $json );
public function getFoto($obj){
global $c;
$objResult = new stdClass();
$mQuery = "select * from tab_cordilheira_ferias_gozo where fun_id =".$obj->fun_id;
$query = "SELECT fd.foto as fun_foto FROM fundocumento fd where fd.cd_empresa=2011 and fd.cd_funcionario=".$obj->fun_id;
$result = mssql_query($query);
$obj02 = mssql_fetch_object($result);
//$result = odbc_exec($conn, $query);
$mResult = mysql_query($mQuery);
$objM = mysql_fetch_object($mResult);
//$obj02 = odbc_fetch_object($result);
$objResult->fun_dt_ferias = $objM->fun_mes_gozo;
$objResult->fun_foto = $obj02->fun_foto;
return $objResult;
I will leave String in blob format so it is possible to test
Not to send via JSON. JSON is a text format, if you want to send binary data in the same first you need to turn it into text (is what the
is doing). If you do not want to do this conversion on the server, you would need to send the data in the original format, for example in a second request where the client would expect aimage/jpeg
.– mgibsonbr
I notice that the only data that seems to be being used by the client side is the photo itself. Would it be an option not to use Ajax? Simply create an element
<img src="função no servidor que retorna o blob com mimetype image/jpeg" style="display: none" onload="função que esvazia #fun_foto e exibe a imagem escondida">
and add it to the correct place?– mgibsonbr
Honestly, I think this is a "XY problem": what was asked is whether to convert between binary/Base64 in Javascript (which gives, as Guilherme Nascimento’s answer and the duplicate question show), but the real problem seems to be how to send the blob to the client without having to do any conversion on the server side. If I’m wrong, I’ll remove that comment soon.
– mgibsonbr
*did not fit the whole string I cut the final p/ manage to post
– SneepS NinjA
@mgibsonbr what I want to do is this, I want to deliver what is on my server to the client and from there transform this string in image
– SneepS NinjA
It would be interesting to know where the
– Guilherme Nascimento
@Sneepsninja But you didn’t say that the image is in your bank as a blob? blob != string. The blob doesn’t need to be transformed into image, the blob is image! So I’m of the opinion that the most performative way to do what you want is what I described in my above comment. Unless it is clear that you are sending other data next to the image (which by the JS presented does not seem to be the case).
– mgibsonbr
@Guilhermenascimento the $_REQUEST['obj'] is to make the query in the bank that part this ok, I did not find necessary in the question because it has only a code of the employee that will be consulted in the database
– SneepS NinjA
Why BLOB instead of saving to files?
– Guilherme Nascimento
should bring data from the front end and not from the bank, does not agree?– Guilherme Nascimento
@Guilhermenascimento From what I understand, the front-end says which employee he wants the photo of (
) and the PHP code will fetch this photo in the database ($colFuncionario->getFoto($obj);
). I don’t know exactly how this happens because I have no experience with PHP, but that’s what I understood from the above code.– mgibsonbr
@mgibsonbr comes together in ajax other data concerning the employee’s vacation updated the question p/ show this detail
– SneepS NinjA
{the front-end says which employee of whom he wants the photo ($_REQUEST['obj']) and the PHP code will fetch this photo in the bank} that’s right
– SneepS NinjA
@mgibsonbr but it’s like I said then
comes really from the front-end, even if previously the data is from the database, still an ajax request is made and sends the data again to then query the image, so I thought it was relevant to know how the data is sent to$_REQUEST['obj']
. I still don’t understand why you store photos in the bank instead of folders, it is quite possible that this is the performance problem you are facing.– Guilherme Nascimento
I made a new edition in the answer, I hope it helps to understand the problems that the BLOB can bring and that is probably your real problem :)
– Guilherme Nascimento