Mutiplas connections websocket


Viewed 122 times


I have a script that makes 4 or 10 connections with a game after I click the 'run bots' button, I tried to create a 'run bots2' button to create more 4/10 connections with the server but without ending the first but always the first are closed

I don’t want to simply change the number 4 to 8 or 10 to 20, I want to create another button to open more connections with the same server...

Note: If the #token has more than 0 characters but less than 8 the connection limit of the same IP with the server is 4 and if the #token has 0 exact characters the connection limit is 10

My idea is to make the 4/10 connections and then use a proxy to change my IP and make more connections.

Somebody give me that light ?

full script:

This is probably where you need to move:

            var _0xd9f3 = ["runBots", "length", "val", "#token", "You must to create a Party first or connect to a private server.", "Stop bots", "html", "[data-itr='run_bots']", "onclick", "stopBots(); return false;", "attr", "push", "binaryType", "arraybuffer", "bot", "id", "onopen", "setUint8", "setUint32", "buffer", "send", "charCodeAt", "onmessage", "#botsNick", "setNick", "[name='botsFollow']:checked", "mouse", "x", "y", "setDirection", "onclose", "splice", "onerror", "undefined", "setUint16", "setInt32"];
            d[_0xd9f3[0]] = function(e, t) {
                if (jQuery(_0xd9f3[3])[_0xd9f3[2]]()[_0xd9f3[1]] > 8) return alert(_0xd9f3[4]), !1;
                for (mAB = jQuery(_0xd9f3[3])[_0xd9f3[2]]()[_0xd9f3[1]] > 0 ? 4 : 10, jQuery(_0xd9f3[7])[_0xd9f3[6]](_0xd9f3[5]), jQuery(_0xd9f3[7])[_0xd9f3[10]](_0xd9f3[8], _0xd9f3[9]), bots = [], currentServer = e, i = 0; i < mAB; i++) bots[_0xd9f3[11]](new WebSocket(e)), bots[i][_0xd9f3[12]] = _0xd9f3[13], bots[i][_0xd9f3[14]] = i, bots[i][_0xd9f3[15]] = null, bots[i][_0xd9f3[16]] = function() {
                    a = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(5)), a[_0xd9f3[17]](0, 254), a[_0xd9f3[18]](1, 5, !0), this[_0xd9f3[20]](a[_0xd9f3[19]]), a = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(5)), a[_0xd9f3[17]](0, 255), a[_0xd9f3[18]](1, 154669603, !0), this[_0xd9f3[20]](a[_0xd9f3[19]]), a = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1 + t[_0xd9f3[1]])), a[_0xd9f3[17]](0, 80);
                    for (var e = 0; e < t[_0xd9f3[1]]; ++e) a[_0xd9f3[17]](e + 1, t[_0xd9f3[21]](e));
                }, bots[i][_0xd9f3[22]] = function() {
                    playing() && (this[_0xd9f3[24]](jQuery(_0xd9f3[23])[_0xd9f3[2]]()), xx = jQuery(_0xd9f3[25])[_0xd9f3[2]]() == _0xd9f3[26] ? sa : localStorage[_0xd9f3[27]], yy = jQuery(_0xd9f3[25])[_0xd9f3[2]]() == _0xd9f3[26] ? ta : localStorage[_0xd9f3[28]], this[_0xd9f3[29]](xx, yy))
                }, bots[i][_0xd9f3[30]] = function() {
                    bots[_0xd9f3[31]](this[_0xd9f3[14]], 1)
                }, bots[i][_0xd9f3[32]] = function() {
                    bots[_0xd9f3[31]](this[_0xd9f3[14]], 1)
                }, bots[i][_0xd9f3[24]] = function(e) {
                    if (typeof bots[this[_0xd9f3[14]]] == _0xd9f3[33]) return !1;
                    var t = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1 + 2 * e[_0xd9f3[1]]));
                    t[_0xd9f3[17]](0, 0);
                    for (var a = 0; a < e[_0xd9f3[1]]; ++a) t[_0xd9f3[34]](1 + 2 * a, e[_0xd9f3[21]](a), !0);
                }, bots[i][_0xd9f3[29]] = function(e, t) {
                    return typeof bots[this[_0xd9f3[14]]] == _0xd9f3[33] ? !1 : (a = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(13)), a[_0xd9f3[17]](0, 16), a[_0xd9f3[35]](1, e, !0), a[_0xd9f3[35]](5, t, !0), a[_0xd9f3[18]](9, 0, !0), void bots[this[_0xd9f3[14]]][_0xd9f3[20]](a[_0xd9f3[19]]))

Also remembering that this is the button:

<button onclick="runBots(jQuery('#serverIP').val(), jQuery('#token').val()); return false;" class="btn btn-default btn-runBots" data-itr="run_bots"></button>
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