Disable input text by clicking another input text


Viewed 504 times


Good Afternoon,

I have both inputs below:

<input type="text" id="txtEntrada" name="entrada" onkeyup="somenteNumeros(this);" >     
<input type="text" id="txtSaida" name="saida" onkeyup="somenteNumeros(this);">

I would like that when clicking the input the Output was disabled and vice versa. I’m doing it this way:

    if ($("#txtEntrada").val() !=''){
      $('#txtSaida').attr("disabled", true);
      $('#txtSaida').attr("disabled", false);

Some with a better suggestion?

  • Bia, if for example I click initially on txtEntrada then the txtSaidawill be disabled and will not be able to click on it again, is this behavior you expect?

  • 1

    The way you’re putting it looks like they’re exclusionary, is that it? If I fill txtSaida I can’t fill in txtEntrada?

  • @Pedrocamarajunior this is my dilemma, I wish it were possible yes click on txtSaida again.

  • Yes @Eduardoalmeida

3 answers


From what I understand, you need that when clicking on one input the other one disables right? Then I made a script using Javascript only.

document.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  var self = e.target;
  if(['entrada','saida'].indexOf(self.id) !== -1) {
    var el = document.getElementById(self.id === 'entrada' ? 'saida' : 'entrada');
    el.value = "";
<input type="text" id="entrada" name="entrada">     
<input type="text" id="saida" name="saida">

  • That’s exactly it, thank you.

  • 1

    vanilla js the king of frameworks! uha

  • 1

    Doubt @devgaspa, that snippet: if(['txtEntrada','txtSaida'].indexOf(self.id) !== -1) does what?

  • @Bia this code snippet checks if the attribute value id of self(clicked element) is one of the two values declared in the array ['txtEntrada','txtSaida'], he does this checking using the indexOf, if the value of id does not exist in the array the function will return -1. I used this method to validate the clicked elements why I am assigning the event click to the document, if it were only to the items it would not be necessary to validate it. Read on index here

  • Thank you @devgaspa


To do exactly what you asked just add the attribute disabled at the txt the moment you click the other one. However, this is a little strange, because the moment I select a txt I can no longer select the other one. Take the example:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var $txtEntrada = $("#txtEntrada");
  var $txtSaida = $("#txtSaida");

  $txtEntrada.on('click', function() {
    $txtSaida.attr('disabled', 'disabled');

  $txtSaida.on('click', function() {
    $txtEntrada.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<input type="text" id="txtEntrada" name="entrada">
<input type="text" id="txtSaida" name="saida">

  • Your code didn’t work here, I’m using Chrome v46.

  • I’m also on Chrome @devgaspa and it’s working here. What I didn’t do in this code is allow the txt that was disabled to be enabled again as you did in your reply.

  • You are just disabling the fields. When disabling you have to check if the clicked is disabled and enable it.

  • @devgaspa tried to do this, but I don’t know why the event click is not called when I click on the disabled txt. To try to find the reason

  • This question may help you http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3100319/event-on-a-disabled-input

  • Yeah, to do it without POG with only JavaScript pure as you did.

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I’ll leave this code here in case anyone wants to use it:

  $('#txtEntrada, #txtSaida').keyup(function(){
    if($('#txtEntrada').val().length > 0){
      $('#txtSaida').attr('disabled', true);
    else if($('#txtSaida').val().length > 0){
      $('#txtEntrada').attr('disabled', true);
      $('#txtEntrada, #txtSaida').attr('disabled', false);

Basically, I disable the inputs when the other has some value and not simply when I select, because then, if I miss the fill, I will be able to delete the data from one input and pass to the other without problems.

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