Press button + MYSQL Database Data overwriting "Select * From table limit 18"


Viewed 1,621 times


I want to set a button so that whenever I press the LOAD button + the limit 18 always adds +18.

EXAMPLE: $sql = "SELECT * FROM portfolio ORDER BY id DESC limit 18";


$sql = "SELECT * FROM portfolio ORDER BY id DESC limit 36";


$sql = "SELECT * FROM portfolio ORDER BY id DESC limit 54";

I put this limit to tidy up the layout and appear only 18 blocks on my site and always press +18 on the button.


<div class="grid">

$servidor = 'localhost';
$banco      = 'apixel_galeria';
$usuario  = 'root';
$senha    = '';
$link     = @mysql_connect($servidor, $usuario, $senha);
$db          = mysql_select_db($banco,$link);
    echo "erro ao conectar ao banco de dados!";exit();

$sql = "SELECT * FROM portfolio ORDER BY id DESC limit 18";
$query = mysql_query($sql);

while($sql = mysql_fetch_array($query)){
$id = $sql["id"];
$nome = $sql["nome"];
$tipo = $sql["tipo"];
$desc = $sql["desc"];
$menu = $sql["menu"];
$imageM = $sql["imageM"];
$imageF = $sql["imageF"];
          <div class="element-item <?php echo "$menu";?>" data-category="transition">
       <a href="#portfolioModal54" class="portfolio-link" data-toggle="modal">
                                <img src="<?php echo "$imageM"?>" alt="project 2">
             <div class="mask">    <div class="conteudo_mask" style="
    transform: translateY(-50%);
    top: 50%;
    position: relative;
    /* float: left; */
    ">                   <h1><?php echo "$nome"?></h1>                   <div id="lin" style="
    width: 200px;
"></div>                   <h2><?php echo "$tipo"?></h2>                                                    </div><h3 style="
    transform: translateY(-50%);
    top: 50%;
    position: relative;
">VEJA <br><img src="images/mais.png" alt="mais" style="width: 20px;height: 19px;margin-bottom: -1px;margin-top: 3px;"></h3></div>

        <!-- BOTÃO CARREGAR MAIS-->
       <div id="rend-more">
            <button class="button bt1" style="width: 262px; height: 50px; border: 1px solid rgb(84, 128, 128); position: relative; top: 30%; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); cursor: pointer;  background-color: white;">
                <h2 style="text-align: center;color:#4d8984;font-family: 'Gotham-Thin';float: left;font-size: 25px;padding-left: 30px;padding-top: 5px;">CARREGAR</h2>
                <h3 style="padding-left: 5px;float: left;font-size: 25px;color:#4d8984;font-family: 'gotham-bold';padding-top: 5px;">+</h3></button>
  • What you want is called PAGINATION. See this tutorial and see if it helps you.

  • 3

    It doesn’t make sense, you’ll be picking up all the values already obtained before each click. Keep the limit and change the WHERE to > the last ID caught in the previous click. Of course there will have to change the logic of the page to load dynamically, or make paginated.

  • so buddy, it’s dynamically, when he squeezes he already carries down the others.

  • Bacco did not understand how I will do it rs, could explain me?

  • 'Cause I don’t see a Where in my code.

1 answer


Good afternoon friend ,


By your comment above, you want the data to be dynamically loaded, right ? Then Voce will need to rest on a little ajax.

Edit --

Below , follows a small example , remembering that I have not seen everything and I have not formatted the html , is a simple example .

On the take pagePortifolio.php , you will select the database , bringing the results of the data , with a limit defined by you.

page : pegaPortifolio.php


function fn_conexao(){

    $dbuser = "admin";
    $dbpass = "1234";

    try {

        $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=seu_banco',  $dbuser, $dbpass);
        $pdo -> setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING );
        $pdo->exec("SET CHARACTER SET utf8");//corrige os acentos na hora de gravar no BD
    } catch(Exception $e) {

        echo 'Erro na conexao: ' . $e->getMessage();

    return $pdo;

function dados($pdo){

    try {   

            if(!isset($_GET['id']) or $_GET['id'] == null){

                $id = 0; //se o GET nao for enviado o for enviado como nullo , a variável ID pega o valor de 0

            }else {

                $id = $_GET['id']; //pega o valor passado via GET

            $arr = array();

          //aqui , coloquei o limit como 2 para ficar mais facil os testes
            $sql = "SELECT * from portifolio where id > $id limit 2";
            $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
            $linha = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

            if($stmt->rowCount() >= 1){

                return $linha; //retorna o resultado da query

            }else {

                return 0;

        } catch(Exception $e) {

            print 'Erro ao inserir os dados no banco: ' . $e->getMessage();
            $conexao = desconecta($conexao);


$conexao = fn_conexao();
$dados = dados($conexao);

$dados = json_encode($dados); //converte o resultado para json

print $dados; //imprime os dados na tela

On your page that will display the protifolio, you will make a request to pick up the data returned in json.



var corpo = ""; //define a variavel corpo como global

function pegaDados()
    var id = document.getElementById("ultimo_id").value; //pega o valor do campo "ultimo_id"


            url: "json.php?id="+id,
            dataType: "json", //Tipo de Retorno
            function(data) {

                var pt1 = "";
                var i = 1;
                var ultimo_id = 0;

                  var size = 0, key;
                  for (key in data) {
                        if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++; //cod para contar o tamanho do array multidimensional

                    }//size , variavel com o tamamho do array

                 for(i = 0; i < size; i++){ //monta o html para exibir os dados

                     pt1 += '<div id="nome">Nome: '+data[i].nome+'</div> <div id="foto">Foto: '+data[i].img+'</div>';
                     ultimo_id = data[i].id;

                 document.getElementById("ultimo_id").value = ultimo_id; //atribui o valor do ultimo id para o campo "ultimo_id"                    



function monta_html(dados){

  corpo += dados; //pega os dados da funcao pegaDados , a junta aos dados que ja tem armazenado, assim ,sempre que clicar no botao 
                  //CARREGA +  , ele manterá os dados que foram pesquisados antes.
                  //Assim ,é feita uma consulta pequena ,nao sendo necessarios pesquisar os dados ja bsucados + novos valores.

  document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = corpo; //joga o valor para um elemento html



<script src=""></script>

<input type="hidden" value="0" id="ultimo_id"><!-- campo oculto que armazena o valor do ultimo ID buscado no banco -->

<button type="button" onClick="pegaDados();">CARREGA +</button>


Dados: <span id="demo"></span>

As you can see ,step the value of the last searched id , then , on your page that will mount the return json (pegaPortifolio.php) , Oce makes a _get['id'] and uses it in Where ( select * from portifolio Where id > $id limit 18) . Thus, it takes the data in second , being limited to 18 results.

Now, you have to organize the result of json to be able to display on your screen. I recommend tbm , check how many records you have in your table of "portifolio" for when not having but records to search , the LOAD+ button is disabled.

With javascript I can not help much because I have not so much knowledge about it , but I tested on my machine and the same ran normal .

  • Henrique I’m using the Isotope jquery plug to create a gallery that pulls from the database, so it will be dynamically, when clickar it will appear +18 blocks pulled from the BD

  • to assign to my code I need to change something?

  • in the case where the url is: ""+id, I do _get['id'] ??????

  • this Function I do inside the pegaPortifolio.php ???

  • Good afternoon, that. On the take pagePortifolio.php you make the $id = $_GET['id'] . Already in the page portifolio.php , you put the javascript function that sends the request to the page pegaPortifolio.php

  • i’m having trouble understanding :/. how I’m going to do it

  • vc could do the pranksPortifolio.php and portifolio.php of how it would look in my code? In my BD - it’s apixel_gallery TABLE: portfolio

  • Good afternoon @kaiquemix , I edited the code , I left it well commented. Test , the adaptations, that I believe will solve your problem.

  • no inspect element ta appearing this: Failed to load Resource: the responded server with a status of 404 (Not Found) GET http://localhost/pixelsbd/json.php? id=0 404 (Not Found)

  • See the file name and its path. This is not found

  • yes it was the portfolio and not portifolio heehe good now ta appearing only this: GET http://localhost/pixelsbd/json.php? id=0 404 (Not Found)

  • you are giving error in this url... what I put in it?

  • How did you name the file that takes the database data ? In the example, I called it 'json.php' and left it in the same directory as the file that calls it. Check the name of the file in your page portifolio.php in this part : "url:seu_file.php"

  • the portfolio is index.php , and this pegarportfolio I put inside an ajax/pegarportfolio.php folder

  • put so, url: "ajax/pegaPortifolio.php? id="+id, now nothing is happening and shows nothing in the console

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