I need to get the id
link present in the method postLink
in order to delete from the database an image id
is equal to this link id, which is equal to the database id.
How do I get that value?
<h2>Apagar Fotografia</h2>
<table border="1" bordercolor="#e2e2e2" width="720" style="word-wrap: break-word">
foreach( $gallery_images as $gallery_image ):?>
echo "<td style=text-align: justify>";
//echo $gallery_image['GalleryImage']['path'];
echo $this->Form->postLink('Apagar Fotografia', array('controller'=>'Gallery', 'action'=>'admin_del_image', $gallery_image['GalleryImage']['id'],/*'prefix'=>'admin'*/), array('class'=>'foto_del', 'title'=>'Apagar Fotografia'), __('Tem a certeza que quer apagar esta Fotografia?'));
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
//$src3 =$this->webroot. 'img/gallery/' .$gallery_image['GalleryImage']['path'];
echo $this->Html->image('gallery/' . $gallery_image['GalleryImage']['path'] , array('width' => '200px', 'height' => '133px', 'alt' => $gallery_image['GalleryImage']['path'] ));
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr><tr>";
<?php endforeach ?>
public function admin_del_image(){
$this->layout = 'admin_index';
$gallery_images = $this->GalleryImage->find('all');
$this->set('gallery_images', $gallery_images);
throw new NotFoundException(__('Fotografia inválida'));
$options = array('conditions' => array('GalleryImage.' .$this->GalleryImage->primaryKey=>$id));
$gallery_image_delete=$this->GalleryImage->find('first', $options);
if(file_exists(WWW_ROOT. "img/gallery/" .$gallery_image_delete['GalleryImage']['path'])){
unlink(WWW_ROOT . "img/gallery/" .$gallery_image_delete['GalleryImage']['path']);
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Fotografia excluída com sucesso'));
$this->Session-setFlash(__('ERRO!, esta Fotografia não existe'));
<td style="text-align:" justify=""><form action="/html/PushUp_app/Gallery/admin_del_image/25" name="post_5330531636e39982291469" id="post_5330531636e39982291469" style="display:none;" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST"></form><a href="#" class="foto_del" title="Apagar Fotografia" onclick="if (confirm("Tem a certeza que quer apagar esta Fotografia?")) { document.post_5330531636e39982291469.submit(); } event.returnValue = false; return false;">Apagar Fotografia</a></td>
<td><img src="/html/PushUp_app/img/gallery/PushUp.png" width="200px" height="133px" alt="PushUp.png"></td>
I’m sorry to keep you waiting, but I don’t have internet access at home. I have already made several changes to the code, and I have some questions regarding your suggestions. By clicking on the postLink, I get an error
Error: The requested address '/html/PushUp_app/Gallery/admin_del_image/25?url=Gallery%2Fadmin_del_image%2F25' was not found on this server.
, 25 refers to the image id in the database, in addition to the flash message indicating "Invalid photograph", fromnotFoundException
, as if I put theif($this->request->is('post'))
. No need to assign a value to$id
?– SunT
@Sunt In this error Cakephp is saying that: there is no in the controller Gallery (that the name is already incorrect), the action admin_del_image. Does it exist? Or not? Or is it in another controller? If it’s in another controller, add to postLink route array() the value:
'controller' => 'GalleryImages'
. If you can, create a Gist (gist.github.com) with all the files related to me.– Patrick Maciel