I have defined a Thread
in Java where I intend to simulate planes arriving and departing from the airport, the class Aviao
contains only number and 10 passengers
public class Aviao {
//numero de Aviao
private int numeroAviao;
//contém uma lista de passageiros
private List<Passageiro> passageiros;
public Aviao(int numero, int tamanho) {
this.numeroAviao = numero;
this.passageiros = new ArrayList<>(tamanho);
public void adicionaPassageiro(Passageiro p) {
The class Aeroporto
public class Aeroporto {
private List<Passageiro> passageirosNoAeroporto;
private List<Aviao> avioes;
private Map<Aviao, ThreadAviao> threadAviao;
private final Object mutex;
private boolean comecou;
private final Relogio relogio;
public Aeroporto(int qtAviao) {
this.mutex = new Object();
this.comecou = false;
this.passageirosNoAeroporto = new ArrayList<>();
this.avioes = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>());
this.relogio = new Relogio();
this.threadAviao = new HashMap<>();
for (int j = 0; j < qtAviao; j++) {
Aviao aviao = new Aviao(j + 1, 10);
this.threadAviao.put(aviao, new ThreadAviao(this, aviao));
Method add plane at the airport:
public synchronized void AviaoChegou(Aviao aviao) throws InterruptedException {
//adicionar aviao no aeroporto
//usar uma lista sincronizada
List list = Collections.synchronizedList(avioes);
synchronized (list) {
//iterar lista de avioes
Iterator i = list.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
aviao = (Aviao) i.next();
// iterar a lista de passageiros
Iterator<Passageiro> it = aviao.getPassageiros().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Passageiro p = it.next();
//adicionar os pasageiros no aeroporto
//remove os passageiros do aviao
Method for aeroplane to leave when empty
public synchronized void AviaoPartiu(Aviao aviao) {
//usar uma lista sincronizada
List<Aviao> lista = Collections.synchronizedList(avioes);
synchronized (lista) {
//iterar a lista de avioes
Iterator<aviao> i = lista.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
aviao = (Aviao) i.next();
//remove o aviao do aeroporto -> e da thread Aviao e Dá erro
//(Exception in thread
//"Thread-2" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException)
this.avioes.remove(aviao); //usar isto ou não?
//remove o aviao do aeroporto -> e não da thread Aviao?
i.remove();//usar isto o aviao
//faz a simulação outra vez até morrer
and then I have the class ThreadAviao
public class ThreadAviao extends Thread {
private final Aviao aviao;
private final Aeroporto aeroporto;
public ThreadAviao(Aeroporto aeroporto, Aviao aviao) {
this.aviao = aviao;
this.aeroporto = aeroporto;
public void run() {
try {
synchronized (mutex) {
while (!comecou) {
List<Aviao> lista = new ArrayList<>();
//adiciona o aviao a lista
//ordena os avioes
//escolhe um aviao
for (Aviao av : lista) {
//inicia a etapa
etapaAviao.executar(aeroporto, av);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Não faz nada.
My doubt is that when I have 2 planes created instead of each one does its process, and when one leaves and is removed from the list of planes at the airport gives error as shown in the image below
and my goal is to try to synchronize the Thread
to achieve the objective as shown in the figure below?
I think the real problem is that you’re not excluding the plane from the airport when it left for another country
Any suggestions?
the Aviaopartiu method you are removing all aircraft?
– Skywalker
@Skywalker, I’m just removing the plane that arrived, I changed the flight path departed, the plane that’s leaving will be equal to the plane iterated from the list and erased through the operation
and then the thread of the other plane runs but only error after– Renata P Souza
@Skywalker, if in the airplane methodParty I’m removing all the planes, I think the other
would not perform as shown in figure 1– Renata P Souza
So I hadn’t seen that comparison if, try giving
after removing. This should resolve.– Skywalker
I don’t know if that’s necessary
– Skywalker
@Skywalker, I tried giving
after removing the plane inthis.avioes.remove(aviao);
and gave no error but did not solve and continued to perform the stage of the same plane that just left– Renata P Souza
Ai is already a problem of logic. Logo vo da mais uma parsed in your code.
– Skywalker
@Skywalker, thank you
– Renata P Souza
@Skywalker, I think I’ve solved the bug problem and instead of using the
the best is to usei.remove();
when we are using the iterator to delete an object in a list,if
, it was necessary to makeaviao = (Aviao) i.next();
and then in the execution of the step and create acontador
to control the step of each thread that will be executed only once and worked out as shown in the figure above, just need to sort and since it solves my doubt the solution is was edited in the code that had already been placed before.– Renata P Souza
Hello Renata, welcome to [en.so]. I saw that solved your problem, cool! But the solution should be the answer, because here we operate a little different from the forums. Could you separate the question from the answer in different publications? Enjoy and make a [tour] to know a little better the functioning of our community.
– Math
@Math, thanks for the guidance
– Renata P Souza