Splashscreen in php


Viewed 237 times


How to make a loading screen that waits for a period of X seconds to do a certain action. Ex: Running a Query in the database...


    $outTime = 1000; // tempo em ms

<div id="splash">Aguarde...</div>
<div id="conteudo">Sucesso!</div>
  • you use jquery in your application?

  • no. is pure php!

  • php is synchronized and runs on the server side or is http, the response is rendered only after the partial or full document download. The operation you want should be done on the front end. Something else int outTime is not PHP.

  • It’s like I run function a() { return "teclaA"; } and he waits a time in X seconds to perform the action.

  • It’s just so you don’t charge everything directly.

  • Then @Nathan1302 php does not manipulate the DOM at the moment it is in the Browser (because PHP is a language that runs on servers, unlike javascript)! You might consider doing this with jQuery, making a call via ajax.

  • ah ta! I thought the gift was manipulated also by the same!

  • And in the case of jquery as it would be?

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