Convert PDF To SWF FLASH - Asp Net MVC


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Good evening, I am generating pdf using Itextsharp and need to send to the client a swf, however I am struggling, in the client is a blank flash screen. I am using this strategy because with flash I can block the options to print the pdf and save as. Some ninja programmer would have some tip on how to do this?

  • You are having difficulty generating the PDF or displaying it inside a SWF container?

  • The pdf is generated and routine to display the swf as well. My difficulty is in converting the pdf to swf.

2 answers


I found this tool here.

The code below, according to this question here and this other topic here, does the conversion:

int pageNumber = 1;
string filename = @"MeuArquivo.pdf";
string outputfile = @"ArquivoConvertido.swf";
System.Diagnostics.Process pdf2swfprocess = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
pdf2swfprocess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
pdf2swfprocess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
pdf2swfprocess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
pdf2swfprocess.EnableRaisingEvents = false;
pdf2swfprocess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~");
pdf2swfprocess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
pdf2swfprocess.StartInfo.FileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/PDF2SWF/pdf2swf.exe");
//pdf2swfprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = inputfile + "-o" + outputfile;
pdf2swfprocess.StartInfo.Arguments = "\"" + HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/PDF2SWF/FONTS") + "\"" + " -p " + pageNumber + " " + filename + " -o " + filename + pageNumber + ".swf";

  • This code does not work Gypsy, does not generate expetions and does not generate the archive

  • Tried to run the executable in hand before? I believe the answer is to improve this code.

  • Opa, it functioned by running the command pdf2swf.exe indicator.pdf -o test.swf -f -T 9 -t -G -s . It only has one detail that is not good, when I open the swf file in a flash editor it is jumping automatically the pages.It would be nice to be able to add a button to change manually.

  • Does anyone have any idea how to remove it? on the wiki ( of the Pdf2swf parameters does not reference how to add a bar e On that blog ( and its swf appears in a bar.


I found the answer need to run two commands. The first to generate the swf and the second command to combine the generated swf with some standard model. 1) pdf2swf.exe indicator.pdf -the test.swf 2) swfcombine.exe C: swftools Rfxview.swf viewport=plan1.swf -the plan1.swf

  • And what about this in code? This answers only half the question. In this case, your application has to call the process and collect the output result.

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