Asked 9 years, 3 months ago
Viewed 113 times
I have a problem accessing phpmyadmin. Follow the error ->
Already checked the database configuration?
– Ricardo
This error seems to be that you are defining a type of charset that the database does not recognize, and because it does not find any reference, it returns the error.
– Ivan Ferrer
test convert the pattern to: skip-character-set-client-handshake=1 and default-character-set=utf8
Most likely his collation bank and table are different
– Diéfani Favareto Piovezan
Browser other questions tagged mysql phpmyadmin
Already checked the database configuration?
– Ricardo
This error seems to be that you are defining a type of charset that the database does not recognize, and because it does not find any reference, it returns the error.
– Ivan Ferrer
test convert the pattern to:
– Ivan Ferrer
Most likely his
bank and table are different– Diéfani Favareto Piovezan