Character Incompatibility in Sass ( 'IBM437' and 'UTF-8')


Viewed 78 times


My problem occurs when I try to use the --watchas follows:

--watch estilos.scss:estilos.css

My goal is to perform the automatic compilation the moment I save the file. The error that appears in the command prompt is as follows:

Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: IBM437 and UTF-8
Use --trace for backtrace.`

Windows 7 usage and Ruby installation is ok.

  • I have tried using: @charset 'UTF-8'; at the beginning of the file without any space before and didn’t work.

  • 1

    see if you are saving the files as utf8

  • How do I check this @Caio ?

  • sublime text, for example, has an option called "save with encoding". See if your editor doesn’t have something similar

  • I use Sublime. I tried this option and gives the same error.

  • you have some import in that estilos.scss ?

  • No @Caio , no import. I read somewhere that it could be because of the use of accents in comments, so I removed all comments and continued with the same problem...

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