Interface to build relationships between tables


Viewed 150 times


I am developing an application where basically the user will interface between Mysql tables. For example:

  • table A (Products)
  • table B (Photos)
  • Table C (Price history).

Basically in the application would have to have the following:

  • The user chooses the tables involved;
  • User says when adding a new photo, the product ID should be included;
  • The user says that when the price is changed, it should include the price in the history table using the product ID.

Well, it’s just an introduction to the problem. The problem is to avoid programming and make the most of the interface, but this is a rule among several possible.

The question is, am I going the wrong way, with no way out? Is there an application that does this (it doesn’t do everything but it already does a lot and there certainly is) and I’m reinventing the wheel? Even if it’s not PHP+Mysql, what matters is the concept.

  • you want to create something like phpMyAdmin?

  • No, I know and use phpMyAdmin. What I want is to develop something to popular tables for the common user. Imagine that the customer wants a new area on the site just to present the product. The programmer would have to create in the backoffice the management of the products, in php say that when changing the price include a new line in the product history table, prepare upload images to the gallery...

  • So you want a data "Populator"?

  • The data "populator" would be generated according to the settings and relationships between tables.

  • Felipe, whenever possible, [Edit]and the question to add information and clarifications. Then, warn other users using @NomeDoUsuario here in the comments. You can only notify a user of each comment, and the author of the question/answer is always notified.

1 answer


To php + MySQL there is the Workbench

It is an application for visually/designer database modeling, very useful and that allowed you to see/build in the form of diagram and schemas the relations and views of your database and allow you to already create the database or even return php code for your use, see Workbench generate php code

In the case of Populator data, I usually use this [little face] here to generate my data mocks. Very good, simple, considered self intuitive and above all free...

  • So what I want is to prevent the programmer from doing programming and just setting up. There is already an BO for the site, but if you want to create a new area on the site and manage the content on the site, you would have to program the BO to edit the information, with the application I only want to insert relationships between tables and the screen that will manage the content would be "mounted" automatically.

  • 1

    What you want to do is called Scaffold... In the ZEND, CodeIgniter, ASP.NET MVC, CakePHP, already working with it, on top of its class(MVC) or the entire bank (CakePHP for example) they generate your screen and controllers

  • Exactly, what I intend to do... but it is a complicated path and there may be N rules, relation when editing a field, relation when entering a new record, etc...

  • You want to create something like a Genexus of life, but it will take many years of study to mature something like this, but there are also things that you will need to program, because each system has a unique behavior in certain situations

  • We already have our own platform here in the company, but we can improve it so that the programmer does not waste time building areas in the OR performing tasks that are common to each new project, but my concern is to do something that is very little reused.

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