Seeking Binaria and Ordination


Viewed 233 times


There is some more efficient way to do that same function and do not know why on my computer is not working the code.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void ordena(int A[],int n);
int buscaBinaria( int chave, int inicial, int v[]);

int main ()
    /*declaracao das variaveis*/
    int i = 0;
    int A[5];

    /*populaciona o vetor*/
   A[0]= 5;
   A[1]= 4;
   A[2]= 3;
   A[3]= 2;
   A[4]= 1;

    /*imprime o vetor*/
    for (i = 0; i <5; i++)

        printf( " O VETOR DESORDENADO EH DESTA FORMA: %d \n \n", A[i]);
    /*chama a funcao que ordena*/
    /*imprime o vetor ordenado*/
    for (i = 0; i <5; i++)

        printf( " O VETOR ORDENADO EH DESTA FORMA: %d \n \n", A[i]);
void ordena ( int A[],int n)

    int j, i;
    /*percorreo vetor*/
    for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
      int chave = A[j];

      int m = buscaBinaria(n, chave, A);
      A[j] = A[m];
      A[m] = chave;

/* A função abaixo recebe um número x e um vetor
 crescente v[0..n-1]. Ela devolve um índice m
 tal que v[m] == x ou devolve -1 se tal m não

int buscaBinaria( int tam, int chave, int v[])
   int ini, fim, m, i;
   ini = 0;
   fim = tam - 1;

   while (ini <= fim)
     m = (ini + fim)/2;

     if (v[m] >= chave){
         fim = m - 1;
         ini = m + 1;
   i = v[m];

   printf("i vale: %d\n", i);

   return m;

  • 1

    Binary search only works if the array is already sorted. So you can’t use it to sort the array, at least not the way you’re trying to do it.

  • there I am using the binary search split and fetch the smallest value, ai .

  • Are you trying to implement the quicksort algorithm? If not, then what sort algorithm are you trying to implement?

1 answer


Matheus, I did not run your code, but it may be that the fact that you are using the same "m" variable between routines is the reason for the error.

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